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Maryland Deathfest 2022: Dismember und Bloodbath raus, AUTOPSY und DEMOLITION HAMMER sind Ersatz - vom 10.05.2022, 19:56

Kategorie: Musik

mdf%202022%20flyerDas Maryland Deathfest, welches vom 26. - 29.05.2022 in Baltimore/USA stattfindet, hat soeben bekanntgegeben, dass Dismember und Bloodbath raus sind. Als Ersatzbands sind AUTOPSY und DEMOLITION HAMMER bestätigt worden.
Dismember können wegen der geltenden COVID-19 Bestimmungen nicht in die USA einreisen und bei Bloodbath sind selbst nach 9 Monaten die Visa noch nicht bewilligt worden.

Statement from Dismember:
”Due to the Covid-19 restrictions still active for entering the U.S., we are forced to cancel our appearance at Maryland Deathfest this year. We held our hope that the U.S. would follow other countries example and end the mandatory vaccination demand. With less than a month to go “that” has not happened and therefore we see no other choice than to cancel.”

Statement from Bloodbath:
"First of all, this is an announcement we hoped we would never have to make… But now left in anger and frustration, we are unfortunately forced to postpone our North American tour and our appearance at Maryland Deathfest, yet again.
Despite applying for our visas over seven months ago (a process that should take three), they have still not been processed in time due to reasons beyond our control. We've done absolutely everything we can to try and salvage this bullshit and make this tour finally become reality, but we have to accept our fate at this point, that it will simply not happen.
Given that this is the third time this tour has had to be postponed, we both feel and share your disappointment, but we assure you that despite the hardships associated with this tour, we have not given up and consequently will reschedule the dates as soon as we're able to rid the bureaucracy and lift this curse of delusion.
Until then, stay safe and stay strong and we hope to see you all sooner than later."

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