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bildDie italienische Black-Metal-Gruppe STORMCROW wird ihr drittes Album, „Path to Ascension“, am 31. Mai 2024 über Time To Kill Records veröffentlichen.

Das Album wurde von Carlo Meroni im ADSR Studio in Mailand aufgenommen und gemischt und von Magnus „Devo“ Andersson (Marduk) im Endarker Studio in Schweden gemastert. Das Cover-Artwork stammt von Arianna „Trollenskog“ Carbone.

Den neuen Song "Petit Dru" könnt ihr euch hier anhören:

"Petit Dru is the epic peak located in the Mont Blanc massif, which was conquered solo on 22nd August 1955 by Italian alpinist Walter Bonatti. The song tells of this impossible challenge described by him as a 'crazy idea generated by moral depression'. Bonatti spent six days on a vertical wall facing his demons, he had hallucinations from the effort, at certain moments he even thought of calling it quits, but his enormous willpower allowed him to conquer this peak, the most difficult of his life".


01. Astral Deconstruction§
02. Dark Existence
03. Vulgus Vult Decipi
04. Detached
05. Ascension
06. Vertical Horizon
07. In This Solitude
08. Petit Dru
09. Ancient Forest