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primordial 2014Die irischen Pagan-Black Metaller PRIMORDIAL haben ein starkes Video für "How It Ends", den Titeltrack ihres 10. Studio Albums, veröffentlicht. Checkt den Song unten an.
Der Nachfolger der 2018er Albums "Exile Amongst The Ruins" wurde gestern via Metal Blade Records in die Läden gebracht.
Hier... könnt ihr euch die komplette Scheibe im Stream anhören.

A. A. Nemtheanga: » Regardless of who you are or were, you get one chance at all of this, and it's asking, 'is this the end of your town, state, nation? Myths, traditions, relationships…?,' and I suppose it asks the question, 'who reacts, who rebels - how does it end now for them?
How It Ends is a very angry, defiant, visceral, and rebellious album and as we worked, it all began to take more shape and form itself. It may be the note we go out on, but it will be a note of resistance, in musical terms. I think it's also more metal, And more epic!«

PRIMORDIAL w/ Paradise Lost, Omnium Gatherum, Harakiri For The Sky:
10/01/2023 Schlachthof - Wiesbaden, DE
10/02/2023 Löwensaal - Nuremberg,DE
10/04/2023 Trix - Antwerp, BE
10/05/2023 Garage - Saarbrücken, DE
10/06/2023 MeetFactory - Prague, CZ
10/07/2023 Vienna Metal Meeting - Vienna, AT
10/08/2023 Barba Negra - Budapest, HU
10/10/2023 A2 - Wroclaw, PL
10/11/2023 Capitol - Hanover, DE
10/12/2023 Kronensaal - Hamburg, DE
10/13/2023 Hellraiser - Leipzig, DE
10/14/2023 Turbinenhalle 2 - Oberhausen, DE
10/15/2023 Roanda - Utrecht, NL