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Serpents Oath unterzeichnen bei Odium Records

- vom 16.08.2023, 19:34
Kategorie: Musik

bildNach der Veröffentlichung ihrer gefeierten Alben „Nihil“ und „Ascension“ hat die belgische Black-Metal-Horde SERPENTS OATH bei Odium Records für ihr drittes Album unterschrieben, dessen Veröffentlichung für Ende 2023 geplant ist.

With regards to them inking the deal with the new label, the band comments: “Since the release of our first album we have been in contact with Shadow of Odium Records. It was clear from the start that we shared the same vision on uncompromising Black Metal. Hence we are honored to team up with an elite underground label that has released material from bands like Ofermod, Beastcraft, Acherontas, Varathron or Black Altar.”

On the recording, the band continued with: “As this is the third record, we realized we had to challenge ourselves. Not only did we switch labels, but we also went to a different studio. The goal was to capture the energy that our live performances have and combine that with a pulverizing sound. At Project Zero Studio we achieved exactly that goal. Yarne pushed us to our limits when recording and then assured the mixing and mastering delivered that skull crushing result.”

Shadow from Odium Records had the following to say: “After following up such a strong debut with an equally impressive second album it was clear to us that we wanted to work with Serpents Oath. They bring a fresh wind whilst capturing the spirit of 90’s Black Metal. Their third album will see them taking this to the next level.”

Further details on the new album will be released in the coming weeks.