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DEFILED veröffentlichen neuen Song 'Red World' mit einem Musikvideo - vom 11.04.2023, 12:37

Kategorie: Musik

 Die Death Metaller von DEFILED haben ihren dritten neuen Song 'Red World' vom kommenden neuen Album "The Highest Level" Online gestellt. Das neue Album erscheint am 28.April 2023 via Season of Mist.

Den neuen Song / Video könnt ihr euch HIER anschauen.

The band comments: "The small, claustrophobic room in this video may remind you of Room 101 in the movie "1984". If so, you are right. Haven't you ever felt that since Covid, the world has become more and more surveillance oriented and peer pressure driven? We made this song to capture the update in the world. However, it is not a specific condemnation of any particular country or group. We deliberately try to construct a perspective that is abstract and metaphorical. The themes we deal with are heavy and dark, and they are filled with our own irony. But we hope the world will become a better place. We hope you enjoy the video."

1. Off-limits (02:35)
2. Stealth (03:11)
3. The Highest Level (03:17)
4. Entrapped (03:16)
5. The Status Quo (02:32)
6. Warmonger (02:37)
7. Demonization (03:29)
8. Inquisition (03:39)
9. Madness Accelerated (02:11)
10. Delusion (02:54)
11. Only the Strongest Survive (02:54)
12. Red World (04:06)
13. The Last Straw (03:25)
14. Requiem (02:43)
15. The Speech (00:36)
Total (43:17)

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