PSYCROPTIC veröffentlichen Artwork zu "The Inherited Repression"
- vom 11.12.2011, 06:38Kategorie: Musik
Die austalischen technical Death-Metal-Masters PSYCROPTIC haben nun das Cover zu ihrem fünften Studioalbum "The Inherited Repression" veröffentlicht.
Coverkünstler Colin Marks sagt zu seiner Arbeit:
“Conceptually ´´The Inherited Repression´´ is a very bleak record, but without the dark colours and tones that are commonly present in metal artwork. This is something the band were quite specific about, and I think gives the record a more individual look. I was interested in giving it quite a textural look, very pale and cold. The images are quite vague and isolated without any distinguishable backgrounds. One of the first tracks I read, and one which stuck with me when coming up with ideas was the song ´´Carriers of the plague´´, and a general theme of widespread infection, and a feeling of inevitable hopelessness and isolation that we are born into and powerless to stop. I think that kind of concept loosely runs throughout the imagery giving it a very stark and bleak approach.”
Die Tracklist zum kommenden Album lies sich wie folgt:
1. Carriers of the Plague
2. Forward to Submission
3. Euphorinasia
4. The Throne of Kings
5. Unmasking the Traitors
6. Become the Cult
7. From Scribe to Ashes
8. Deprivation
9. The Sleepers Have Awoken
The Inherited Repression wurde von Haley produziert und gemixt, während Alan Douches das Mastering übernehmen wird.
“Wir konnten uns den Luxus erlauben, in meinem Home-Studio aufzunehmen und somit so lange an allem zu feilen, bis es exakt klang, wie wir es uns vorgestellt hatten, da es keine Deadlines zu beachten gab. Nun sind wir gespannt, wie es den Leuten gefallen wird, und es juckt uns in den Fingern, rauszugehen, um die Songs live zu spielen!“