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 Die Athener Symphonic Death Metaller NIGHTFALL haben soeben den neuen Videoclip zum Titeltrack ihres aktuellen Albums Astron Black veröffentlicht!

Surft zu Metal Blade TV um Astron Black anzuchecken!

Regisseur Achilleas Gatsopoulos: "We decided not to go safe and continue with the shadow puppet approach for the second video too, even though there is still a lot of space for experimentation within that. Instead, I came up with an entirely different style that would add yet another facet to the complex task of visualising Nightfall's music.

Working with the lyrics and with Efthimis conceptual guidance, I set up a vast backdrop of space and time for our characters to inhabit, incorporating various planetary and astronomical elements. The characters include mythical deities such as Gaia, Prometheus, Venus / Pandora, as well as Astron Black, who symbolises mankind and its progress through time.

The video also incorporates Pandora's myth from Hesiod's Theogony. Gaia gives birth to stars and deities, to Prometheus. Prometheus stole the fire (also a metaphor for knowledge and practical thought) and gave it to man. Zeus punished Prometheus by binding him to a rock where the great eagle would come and eat his intestines every day. As an act of revenge on mankind, he creates Pandora, the first woman. Here we present Venus Pandora, who also posseses the power of sexual desire over man. Her curiosity proves fatal, as she opens the urn bestowed to her by the Gods, unleashing all evils upon mankind, leaving only hope inside.

The style of the video brings together various elements such as stylish costumes, live action footage and CGI, adding a modern approach to the ancient but timeless imagery of our characters and situations. I truly believe that once again we managed to successfully recreate and enhance the lyrical and musical themes and create something unique that will stand the test of time stylistically."

NIGHTFALL haben ihr allerorten gelobtes Comebackalbum Astron Black & the Thirty Tyrants im Sommer 2010 veröffentlicht!