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tour%20flyerDie brutalen Death/Grinder Benighted, Baest und Coffin Feeder kommen zusammen auf die BEAST AGAINST BEAST Tour 2024
» Diving into the darkest corners of the human psyche, BENIGHTED, the heralds of extremity and lords of the grotesque, are about to embark on a journey most foul and fascinating. Soon to release their mind-melting, horror-inspired masterpiece, Ekbom, Season of Mist, Redback Promotion & Doomstar Bookings proudly announces the BEAST AGAINST BEAST 2024 EU TOUR. Feel the ferocity, embrace the madness, and get ready to witness an extreme metal spectacle like no other as BENIGHTED crushes along 16 different dates with Baest & Coffin Feeder.«

15 November: Poznan, PL @ 2Progi
16 November: Leipzig, DE @ Soltmann
17 November: Warsaw, PL @ Hydrozagadka
18 November: Ostrava, CZ @ Barrak Music Club
19 November: Prague, CZ @ Rock Cafe
20 November: Graz, AT @ Explosiv
21 November: Cham, DE @ L.A. Cham
22 November: Weiher, DE @ Live Music Hall
23 November: Dornbirn, AT @ Schlachthaus
24 November: Aarau, CH @ KiFF Saal
25 November: Kassel, DE @ Goldgrube
26 November: Gent, BE @ Chinastraat
27 November: Tilburg, NL @ O13
28 November: Enschede, NL @ Metropool
29 November: Oberhausen, DE @ Resonanzwerk
30 November: Alkmaar, NL @ Herrie Metal Festival/Hal25