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ULCERATE kündigen neues Album und ersten Song an

- vom 17.03.2024, 14:34
Kategorie: Musik

bildULCERATE, das neuseeländische Trio, das vom Decibel Magazine als „eine der zukunftsweisendsten Death Metal-Bands überhaupt“ gefeiert wurde, kehren am 14. Juni mit ihrem mit Spannung erwarteten neuen Album „Cutting the Throat of God“ über Debemur Morti Productions zurück.

A first offering from the seven-song album, 'The Dawn is Hollow', is now available, accompanied by a video from visionary artist Dehn Sora (AMENRA, BLUT AUS NORD, THROANE):

The Dawn is Hollow' envelops its audience in a realm of stark, overwhelming ambiance. Demonstrating a next-level use of melody and a finesse for dynamic shifts, ULCERATE skillfully oscillates between ferocious, rapid-fire segments and serene, enigmatically somber passages. These contrasts not only exhibit the band's exceptional technical skill, but also their innate ability to craft unpredictable and singular compositions that resonate emotionally.

"Cutting the Throat of God" was recorded in the fall of 2023, under the watchful eye of drummer Jamie Saint Merat, who also oversaw production and provided artist direction for the collection. Renowned mastering engineer Magnus Lindberg (known for his work with CULT OF LUNA, RUSSIAN CIRCLES and TRIBULATION) put the finishing touches on the release. "Cutting the Throat of God" explores a cohesive lyrical theme centered around the rupture of morality, the delicate boundary between depravity and extremity, and the irreversible descent into darkness.


01. To Flow Through Ashen Hearts
02. The Dawn is Hollow
03. Further Opening the Wounds
04. Transfiguration In and Out of Worlds
05. To See Death Just Once
06. Undying as an Apparition
07. Cutting the Throat of God