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MORTA SKULD neues Album und Song

- vom 24.02.2024, 12:55
Kategorie: Musik

bildMORTA SKULD haben ihr neues Studioalbum „Creation Undone“ gestern über Peaceville Records veröffentlicht. Die Death-Metal-Legende hat auch die neue Single und ein Video zu „Perfect Prey“ Online gestellt.

Checkt das neue Video hier an:

“Perfect Prey”, Dave Gregor states, is “about control and how the powers that be can really put a stronghold on us as humans, I felt it was like shooting fish in a barrel and that we as people were the perfect prey.”

Scaling new heights of brutality for the longstanding US death metal veterans, ‘Creation Undone’ is the latest work of inspired extremity from frontman and mastermind Dave Gregor and co. In a time when the band’s iconic and celebrated debut ‘Dying Remains’ reaches its thirty year milestone, and with recent live activity on both sides of the Atlantic seeing the quartet performing to a ravenous fanbase of metalheads both old and new, Morta Skuld returns with a ten track opus of pure death metal in their unrelenting and unwavering pursuit of heaviness.

With themes exploring an increasingly savage, corrupt and destructive state of the world in present times, and executed with a razor-sharp precision, with ferocious and hook-laden compositions to match and even exceed any of their highly-regarded early output.

‘Creation Undone’ was recorded and mixed at Belle City Sound Studios by Chris Djuricic, with mastering work conducted at Flatline Audio with Dave Otero.

1. We Rise We Fall [04:56]
2. The End Of Reason [03:57]
3. Painful Conflict [04:22]
4. Unforeseen Obstacles [04:25]
5. Perfect Prey [03:25]
6. Soul Piercing Sorrow [04:59]
7. Into Temptation [04:09]
8. Self Destructive Emotions [04:49]
9. Oblivion [04:55]
10. By Design [04:42]