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GRAVENOIRE unterschreiben bei Season of Mist

- vom 24.12.2023, 13:10
Kategorie: Musik

bildSeasons of Mist freuen sich, einen bedeutsamen Neuzugang in der Season of Mist-Familie ankündigen zu können – das neue Black-Metal-Objekt GRAVENOIRE. GRAVENOIRE tauchten Anfang 2022 aus den Tiefen des Abgrunds auf und ist eine beeindruckende Allianz erfahrener Musiker aus: Maximilien Brigliadori (BÂ'A, Diablation, former Hyrgal), Emmanuel Zuccaro (BÂ'A, Verfallen, former Hyrgal), Vicomte Vampyr Arkames (Diablation, former Seth/Ad-Inferna), and RMS Hreidmarr (Glaciation, BÂ'A, former Anorexia Nervosa/The CNK).

Driven by an unwavering vision, Gravenoire seeks to reconnect with the raw and unrelenting spirit of 90s Black Metal. Their inaugural EP, "Devant la porte des étoiles," is a demonstration of this commitment, recorded live in the crucible of their rehearsals – no tracking, no triggers, no click track, no artifice. The result is an uncompromising project, a portal to otherworldly dimensions forged through the crucible of reality itself.

Gravenoire is not a mere nostalgic echo; it is a project deeply rooted in the ancestral soils, embracing the traditions of their native lands. Their essence is drawn from the sacred, the cosmic, and the primordial, and summons whispers of ancient forces. As they proclaim,

"The cosmos is a revolving door"

Stay tuned for more revelations from the cosmic realms of Gravenoire, as they prepare their next journey, ready in 2024.