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bildTestimony Records kündigt stolz das neue Album von SCALPTURE mit dem Titel „Landkrieg“ an, das am 7. März 2025 auf CD, LP und in digitalen Formaten erscheinen soll.

Hier kommt der deutsche Death-Metal-Panzer wieder, der zerschmettert und zerschmettert, allen Widerstand ins Nichts walzt und durch die Linien bricht. SCALPTURE liefern ihr viertes Album „Landkrieg“ mit tödlicher Präzision und einem ehrgeizigen Leitbild: die Welt zu erobern.

Checkt das Video zur ersten Single "Den Mörka Nattens Lejon" hier:

This time, it is not just one of the usual war themes, but each song on "Landkrieg" revolves around the 30 Year War that devastated the German lands from 1618 until 1648. On "Landkrieg", SCALPTURE stay true to their deadly roots, but their sound has been refined by endless hours on the road, playing more shows, and many days and nights well spent in the rehearsing space and at Hellforge Studio. The new songs are brutal, hard-hitting, and 100 % death metal, but they also leave room for variety and cool twists. When SCALPTURE came into being in the German city of Bielefeld in 2009, founding guitarist Felix Marbach already had a clear vision: The musical direction was to be death metal without any compromise regarding its roots and values, but at the same time the band aimed to evolve into a singular musical entity with a unique style very much their own right from the start. It is hardly surprising that all SCALPTURE's album titles refer to the topic of 'war' that the band has decided to adopt as their prime lyrical theme. Staying away from glorifying stereotypes, their texts are built on detailed historical research and portray the horrors that the abyss of war has caused in some of the darkest hours of humankind. Although the Germans have chosen war as their main subject, SCALPTURE embrace modern values such as tolerance, peace, and reason.

SCALPTURE unleash a new "Landkrieg" and that leaves the world with only two choices: run for cover or bang that death metal head hard!

Guitarist Tobias Aselmann comments: "'Den Mörka Nattens Lejon' (Swedish for 'The Lion of the Dark Night') deals with Gustav II Adolph, King of Sweden. It ignites with relentless speed and energy, launching into a melodic yet blackened chorus before kicking you in the face repeatedly towards the end, leaving you defenseless on the ground. Do we like Morbid Angel? Absolutely!"

01. The Fall …
02. Into Catastrophe
03. Til Jeret Undergang
04. Landsknecht
05. Wallenstein
06. Den Mörka Nattens Lejon
07. Of Siege And Besieged
08. Schwedentrunk
09. Hell's Choirs Chant
10. Bellum Se Ipsum Alet