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Sänger Dreier steigt bei Purgatory aus! - vom 08.11.2023, 20:49

Kategorie: Musik

bildDer langjährige Sänger Dreier steigt bei der Nossener Death Metal Horde Purgatory nach 18 Jahren am Mikro aus!

As some of our close friends and fans have already heard, we have to break some unfortunate news to you all:
After 18 intense years, our front vocal-beast Dreier just recently officially announced his withdrawal from the Purgatory horde. He already made up his mind and informed us about his decision a few months ago and he was kind enough to help us out with all of the remaining 2023 shows. We do, of course, respect his decision. Although with a heavy heart, we are parting on good terms. Dreier was and will always remain a very dear friend of the band and we therefore wish him all the best in his future endeavors! Words can't express the gratitude we have for all the great times we've had together and for all the outstanding performances on stage as well as in the studio! A storming hail to you brother!
Naturally, we would also like to let you know that we are currently looking for a main vocalist, as we have not yet found an adequate replacement for Dreier.
If we've now sparked your interest: Are you an extreme metal loving main vocalist currently living in or close to Saxony or its border states? Are you willing to perform live both in Germany and internationally several times a year? Can you muster up the time for rehearsals on a regular basis? Do you see yourself fit to hit the studio eventually? If you think you're up to the task, send us a message to
So long,
Hails from the Purgatory horde!

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