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Im Frühjahr nächsten Jahres wird die 1983 Demo "Demon Entrails" der legendären HELLHAMMER neu aufgelegt werden. Die ehemalige Kassette wird als übergroße Doppel-CD und als Gatefold Triple Vinyl von Prowling Death Records/Century Media zu haben sein. Gleichzeitig wird auch das Buch "Only Death is Real: An Illustrated History of Hellhammer and Early Celtic Frost" von Tom Gabriel Fischer veröffentlicht.
Aus diesem Grund wurde eine die Website www.hellhammer.org ins Leben gerufen. Hier gibt es die Geschichte, Discographie, Fotos uvm. zu bestaunen.

» In connection with the February and spring 2008 releases of "Demon Entrails" and "Only Death is Real: An Illustrated History of Hellhammer and Early Celtic Frost", an official HELLHAMMER burial site has been dug at www.hellhammer.org. Visitors will find, among other things, an appropriately detailed eulogy written by metal journalist Bernard Doe, a decisive discography with cover art and nearly a dozen rare and hi-res photos that capture the band's raw energy. Feel free to pay your respects to a band that forever changed the landscape of heavy music and continue to influence musicians across all genres.

"Demon Entrails" is the first official release of the legendary HELLHAMMER demos "Death Fiend"/"Triumph of Death" and "Satanic Rites" since the original limited cassette editions in 1983. This release has been specially re-mastered from copies of the original master tapes under the supervision of Tom Gabriel Fischer, and the demos now represent HELLHAMMER exactly as the band sounded when recording these songs in June and December of 1983. Drawing from a wealth of previously unknown historical material and artwork as well as hundreds of unreleased HELLHAMMER photos from 1982 to 1984, "Demon Entrails" will also feature all lyrics and essays detailing the individual demo recording sessions.

"Demon Entrails" will be released as an opulent oversized double CD and as a gatefold triple vinyl album. Both versions will feature a lavish booklet and a poster. There will also be a third, bare-bones low-price CD version, designed to cater to markets which will not carry the standard CD due to its irregular size. The release comes courtesy of Prowling Death Records/Century Media.«

Quelle: Blabbermouth.net