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bildTime To Kill Records freut sich, die legendären PUTRID OFFAL in seinem Kader begrüßen zu dürfen! Das mit Spannung erwartete neue Album der Band, „Obliterated Life“, soll im Frühjahr 2025 erscheinen. Weitere Details zum Album werden in Kürze bekannt gegeben.

PUTRID OFFAL deliver old-school death grind deeply inspired by the early works of Carcass (“Reek of Putrefaction”, “Symphonies of Sickness”, “Necroticism”) and the initial death metal phase of Napalm Death (“Harmony Corruption”, “Utopia Banished”). With these ingredients, the band has crafted a solid and unmistakable foundation for their sound.

With "Obliterated Life", PUTRID OFFAL add their own distinct touch, shaped by over three decades of studio work and artistic evolution. This new album represents the pinnacle of their career: a sonic butchery, powerful, filthy and brutal. Everything is in place to wound, crush and leave a lasting impact.

Prepare to be overwhelmed by the sonic devastation of PUTRID OFFAL! Stay tuned for more details about the album.