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Black Metal Band MORK veröffentlicht neuen Song "Forført Av Kulden" vom frisch veröffentlichten Album "Dypet" - vom 27.03.2023, 12:21

Kategorie: Musik

mork%20-%20dypet%20coverDie Norwegischen Black Metaller MORK haben mit "Forført Av Kulden" eine weitere Single und Video vom neuen Album veröffentlicht.
Thomas Eriksen zum Song: » "Forført Av Kulden" About being seduced into the cold hard weather outside by an unknown force. Wandering into the snowstorm at night and ending up freezing to death. It depicts a somewhat glorified theme of death as a beautiful and unavoidable thing. «
Checkt den Song unten an.

"Dypet", der Nachfolger des 2021er Albums "Katedralen ist am 24.3.2023 via Peaceville Records veröffentlicht worden.

Thomas Eriksen: » It is with great pride that I am able to present and experience the release of my sixth full length album. I put every single drop of myself into the process of shaping MORK’s music. Perhaps even more so with this new album. As the album title, which translates to “The Deep”, something from the depths has been brought to the surface, “Dypet” was inspired by my life over the last couple of years, the thoughts, feelings, passion and the evolving of creative free will. Dive in and let yourself sink into the abyss. «

1. Indre Demoner [6:15]
2. Forfort Av Kulden [5:20]
3. Svik [5:16]
4. Et Kall Fra Dypet [7:31]
5. Hoye Murer (Feat HJELVIK) [6:41]
6. Bortgang [5:49]
7. Avskum [4:44]
8. Tilbake Til Opprinnelsen [6:15]

Die nächsten Live-Termine:
06.04.23 Inferno Metal Festival, Oslo, Norwegen
30.04.23 Walpurgirnacht Festival, Berlin, Deutschland
09.08.23 Brutal Assault, Jaromer, Tschechien

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