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album%20coverMit der neuen Single "When the Moon Goes Down in Blood" haben Six Feet Under einen weiteren neuen Song für euch vom heute erscheinenden Album "Killing for Revenge" ausgekoppelt.
Das 14. Album der Band enthält 12 Songs und erscheint via Metalblade. Käufer der CD oder Digital bekommen noch den Nazareth Cover-Song "Hair of the Dog" als Song Nummer 13 dazu. Das Lyric-Video zum Song "Know-Nothing Ingrate" könnt ihr euch unten bereits ansehen.

Chris Barnes: » I think all of the songs on the album deal with revenge in one way or another. That's why the album's called Killing For Revenge. Each song has that as a theme in it, whether it be man against man, or nature against man. There's a macabre core theme and it's more straightforward as far as lyrics go and the tone of the storyline really being a lot more horror, and generally speaking, about killing people. My mood is always really just diving into my own imagination and kind of a meditative state of concentrating and listening to the music and letting it lead me into a storyline. «

Track Listing:
01. Know-Nothing Ingrate
02. Accomplice to Evil Deeds
03. Ascension
04. When the Moon Goes Down in Blood
05. Hostility Against Mankind
06. Compulsive
07. Fit of Carnage
08. Neanderthal (Guest Lead Guitar Solo - Jason Suecof)
09. Judgement Day
10. Bestial Savagery
11. Mass Casualty Murdercide
12. Spoils of War
13. Hair of the Dog (Nazareth Cover - CD + Digital Only)

Chris Barnes - vocals
Jack Owen - rhythm guitar
Ray Suhy - lead guitar
Jeff Hughell - bass
Marco Pitruzzella - drums