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Tracklist vom neuen Asphyx Album "Deathhammer"

- vom 12.12.2011, 06:44
Kategorie: Musik

 Die Niederländischen Death / Doom Könige von Asphyx haben vorab schon mal die Tracklist von ihrem im Februar erscheinenden neuen Album Deathhammer veröffentlicht !

Following up on the extreme success of their latest studio album release “Death…The Brutal Way” and its “Live Death Doom” DVD/Live-CD successor, Dutch Doom Death Metal legends ASPHYX have now finished work on their newest studio album effort, programmatically entitled “Deathhammer”.


-Into The Timewastes
-Of Days When Blades Turned Blunt
-Der Landser
-Reign Of The Brute
-The Flood
-We Doom You To Death
-Vespa Crabro
-As The Magma Mammoth Rises:

A release date of February 27th, 2012 (Europe) and February 28th, 2012 (North America) via Century Media Records has now been confirmed too.