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MÖRK GRYNING entfesselen Fasornas Tid

- vom 13.12.2024, 16:36
Kategorie: Musik

bildMÖRK GRYNING, bekannt als dunkle Lords der schwedischen Black Metal-Szene, kehren mit ihrem neuesten Werk Fasornas Tid zurück. Diese emotionale Reise in die Tiefen der menschlichen Psyche wird Grenzen sprengen und die rohe Essenz des Black Metal der 90er mit einer modernen Wildheit beschwören, die ihr Vermächtnis festigt.

Formed in the chilling embrace of the '90s, MÖRK GRYNING has always carved their path, paying homage to their forebears while relentlessly pushing forward. Fasornas Tid (The Time of Horrors) delves into themes of inner turmoil, the eternal battle between good and evil, and the insatiable hunger for self-destruction. This album is a potent blend of melodic black metal with death metal ferocity, recorded, mixed, and mastered at Wing Studios by Sverker Widgren, featuring artwork by the enigmatic C-G.

Highlight tracks such as lead single Tornet, with guest vocals from C of AVSLUT, and the title-track Fasornas Tid, showcase apocalyptic harmonies that pierce the soul. With hauntingly beautiful melodies and ferocious riffs, each track paints a dystopian symphony reminiscent of their iconic Tusen år har gått… era, yet unmistakably a product of now—a battle cry for the forsaken.

Das komplette Album gibt es hier im Stream: