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Inhumate hören 2025 auf

- vom 28.08.2023, 20:12
Kategorie: Musik

bildDie Grindcore Mannen von Inhumate werden noch bis 2025 ihr Unwesen treiben und danach ihr Ende einläuten. Lest hier die Newsmeldung von Inhumate dazu:

Inhumate started in 1990.
Quickly, the band created its own heptalogy concept: 7 albums will be recorded, no more, no less. "Eternal Life", the closing chapter of this anartist trip, has been released 2 years ago already.
Now it's time for our next (and last) ultimatum : our final gig.
In 2025, Inhumate will be 35 years old - sounds like a good age to stop grinding souls. We've always wanted to control the exact "when". About the "where" and the "how"... these are still to be determined, so keep in touch if you wanna be part of it.
Lots of blastbeats, fun, beers and friends till then, grindfreaks !
Don't expect any kind of bullshit comeback after 2025... so let's make together the best out of these 2 years left, starting right here on the 9th of September:
We love you grindfreaks !
Inhumate (1990 - 2025)