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Taiwanesen M.E.L.T. veröffentlichen Debut Album

- vom 17.08.2023, 20:06
Kategorie: Musik

m.e.l.t.M.E.L.T米爾特 from Taiwan announces the release of their debut self-titled album on August 16, 2023. Combining symphonic and power metal elements with modern influences, M.E.L.T. incorporates melodic female vocal lines and male brutal screams with growling guitar riffs and soaring symphonic layers to display their unique aura.

Formed in 2021, M.E.L.T. derives their name from four characters in the literature by Albert Camus, Samuel Beckett, Arthur Miller and Charles Dickens. Despite being a relatively new band, they’ve received rapid domestic recognition in Taiwan by performing alongside Nightwish during a leg of their Asia tour in 2023.

M.E.L.T’s eponymous debut album strikes a balance between traditional and modern metal music timbre. Exquisite symphonic layers and synthesized sound effects are crucial elements in the album to contrast with the iconic bass slapping & tapping and heavy walls of electric guitar sound that are ubiquitous throughout the whole album. The concept of the album focuses on human relationship and inner salvation in modern society. The themes of this album reflect the perspectives and reactions towards social phenomena, as well as inevitable conflicts and struggles.
The lyrics of the album are mostly written in English, except for two Mandarin songs “Fly to the moon” and “Wind”.

Instagram: @meltbandtw
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/meltbandtw
Bandcamp: https://meltbandtw.bandcamp.com/album/m-e-l-t