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 Die slowenischen Death Metal Aufsteiger ENSANGUINATE veröffentlichen ihr Debütalbum “Eldritch Anatomy” am 2.September über Emanzipation Productions, das Album wird als CD und LP (black vinyl, limitiert auf 300 Stück) und digital erhältlich sein.

Die Single "Lowermost Baptisms" könnt ihr euch bereits HIER anhören.

The debut album of Slovenian death metal upstarts , promises to deliver a furious maelstrom of classic 80s extreme metal. Consisting of nine tracks that run the gamut from slow and brooding to fast-paced blasts of energy, “Eldritch Anatomy” has enough extreme underground metal pedigree to satisfy fans of Possessed, Morbid Angel and Death as well as those who are accustomed to the sinister melodic edge of Watain and Dissection.

Bolstered by a hard-hitting production that marries power and definition to old school filth, as well as a striking front cover by Gorgoroth’s very own Atterigner a.k.a. Khaos Diktator, Ensanguinate show they are out for blood and are poised to stand out by crafting catchy, powerful funeral hymns in the true death metal spirit of old.

"Eldritch Anatomy" tracklist:

1. Hunted
2. Cadaver Synod
3. Ghoul Presence
4. Perdition’s Crown
5. Gaping Maws Of Cerberus
6. Lowermost Baptisms
7. Sublimation
8. Death Vernacular
9. Vile Grace