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AHAB mit neuem Album im Januar 2023

- vom 12.11.2022, 15:04
Kategorie: Musik

 Die extrem Doomer von AHAb veröffentichen am 13.Januar 2023 ihr fünftes Studioalbum über Napalm Records! Nach acht Jahren gibt es mit The Coral Tombs wieder neues Material von der Band.

The kings of nautik doom – a genre they invented – once again interpret a maritime novel, inspired this time by Jules Verne’s masterpiece 20000 Leagues Under The Sea. Throughout seven new tracks, AHAB take their fans on a new musical journey with Captain Nemo and Professor Arronax. Of their entire discography, The Coral Tombs is arguably the closest the band has come to their sound resembling a real soundtrack: it’s evil, it’s longing, it’s sad, it’s meditative, it’s cavernous, it’s vast, it’s ridiculously epic and as heavy as the colossal squid itself!

But give ear, as today AHAB has shared a lyric video for their first single and album opening track, "Prof. Arronax’ descent into the vast oceans". The song not only features ULTHA‘s Chris Dark on guest vocals, but sees AHAB unleash a colossal thunder of blast beats and pitch black vibes before shifting into the epic grandeur of the melancholic-yet heaviness the band is known and loved for.

Das neue Lyric-Video zu "Prof. Arronax" könnt ihr euch HIER anschauen.

Tracklist from The Coral Tombs:
01. Prof. Arronax’ descent into the vast oceans
02. Colossus of the liquid graves
03. Mobilis in mobili
04. The sea as a desert
05. A coral tomb
06. Ægri somnia
07. The Mælstrom