Das schwedische Label Carnal Records hat den Releasetermin für das neue Album der schwedischen Black Metaller SVARTSYN bekannt gegeben. "Requiem" so der neue Albumtitel, wird am 30.Oktober veröffentlicht.
Den neuen Song "Inner Demonic Rise" könnt ihr Hier antesten.
Misanthropic darkness and primal rage continue to anchor the SVARTSYN sound on Requiem. On offer are six tracks of quintessential Swedish Black Metal designed to pull the listener headfirst into the abyss. Requiem was recorded at Mortsella Studio. Mixing and mastering done at Clintwork studio. Artwork by Chadwick St John.
Sole composer and master of darkness Ornias describes the new album as follows: "The album is a written as a Requiem. It is a spiritual journey through the destruction of the western civilization and the rise of Antichrist and his eternal kingdom. It is dark and it is nightmarish."
No quarter and no compromise, Requiem is the real deal! You've been warned.
Track Listing:
1 - The Pale Horse
2 - Inner Demonic Rise
3 - Mystery Babylon
4 - The Desolate
5 - Spiritual Subjection
6 - Little Horn