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UDÅNDE veröffentlichen neues Musikvideo!

- vom 14.11.2022, 20:21
Kategorie: Musik

 Das dänische Black Metal Solo-Projekt Udånde wird sein zweites Album "Slow Death - A Celebration of Self-Htred" am 2.Dezember über Vendetta Records veröffentlichen. Als Support zum neuen Album wurde jetzt das neue Video zum Song "I’m Not a Pessimist, I’m a Realist" veröffentlicht.
Schaut euch das neue Video HIER an !

Udånde comments:
"The video is inspired by my first experience with antidepressant where I went to a new GP in Denmark to request a referral for a psychologist.
The conversation lasted less than 10 minutes and resulted with an address for a local psychologist and a box of antidepressant to be collected at the pharmacy.
It left an impression of mistrust not only to the GP, but also to the system, that all psychological work required to prescribe antidepressants would only last less than 10 minutes.
The fictional sentence 'Take these and go, and be happy like everyone else!' did not seem that unrealistic. In the end, I did not take them."

01. I'm Not a Pessimist, I'm a Realist
02. Who Got Diagnosed Years Later
03. and Denied All Sense and Reason
04. I Mean, Who am I to Blackout?
05. We Should Welcome the Suffering,
06. Remember Not to Praise the False King