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no new topic Review: KERRY KING - From Hell I Rise
Thrash Metal aus den USA
OliDoA 2 320 20.05.2024, 13:16
last post goto marker von: Exorzist
no new topic Review: EXHORDER - Defectum Omnium
Thrash Metal aus den USA
OliDoA 0 360 04.03.2024, 15:16
last post goto marker von: OliDoA
no new topic Review: Sadus - The Shadow Inside
Thrash Metal aus den USA
OliDoA 1 517 28.11.2023, 22:22
last post goto marker von: UnDerTaker
no new topic Review: PHANTOM CORPORATION - Fallout
Death/Crust/Thrash Metal aus Deutschland
OliDoA 2 500 08.07.2023, 09:07
last post goto marker von: Höllenfürst
no new topic Review: OVERKILL - Scorched
US-Thrash Metal
The Overkiller 2 551 21.06.2023, 15:54
last post goto marker von: Cosmower
no new topic Review: HOLY MOSES - Invisible Queen
Thrash Metal aus Deutschland
OliDoA 0 666 12.04.2023, 22:54
last post goto marker von: OliDoA
no new topic Review: VICTIM - Planet of Graves
Thrash Metal aus Weimar
UnDerTaker 0 724 13.02.2023, 20:21
last post goto marker von: UnDerTaker
no new topic Review: Insulter - ... to the last!
Thrash Metal aus Deutschland
UnDerTaker 0 649 05.01.2023, 23:04
last post goto marker von: UnDerTaker
no new topic Defleshed
Royal Street Flash
Exorzist 1 1654 28.10.2022, 16:46
last post goto marker von: UnDerTaker
no new topic Review: Protector - Excessive Outburst Of Depravity
Death/Thrash Metal aus Schweden/Deutschland [Protector VÖ01.7.2022]
OliDoA 1 975 13.06.2022, 12:37
last post goto marker von: Höllenfürst
no new topic Review: Sphinx - Deathstroke
Speed / Thrash Metal aus Deutschland
UnDerTaker 0 926 05.12.2021, 19:23
last post goto marker von: UnDerTaker
no new topic Review: PROTECTOR - A Shedding of Skin
Re-Release zu Death/Thrash aus Deutschland/Schweden
OliDoA 2 1046 03.11.2021, 20:38
last post goto marker von: Exorzist
no new topic NOCTURNAL, Unholy Thrash Metal aus Deutschland
sexwithsatan 3 3106 08.07.2021, 13:19
last post goto marker von: UnDerTaker
no new topic SODOM "Genesis XIX"
Höllenfürst 1 1492 10.11.2020, 20:15
last post goto marker von: Exorzist
no new topic Review: Midnight - Rebirth By Blasphemy
Speed - Thrash - Black - Metal aus den USA
UnDerTaker 0 1318 04.02.2020, 22:42
last post goto marker von: UnDerTaker
no new topic Review: Hazzerd - Delirium
Kanadischer Thrash Metal
ALUCARD 0 1336 23.12.2019, 13:58
last post goto marker von: ALUCARD
no new topic Review: Nocturnal Witch  - A Thousand Pyres
Black Thrash aus Thüringen
ALUCARD 2 1540 27.04.2019, 15:54
last post goto marker von: UnDerTaker
no new topic Review: WARFIST - Grünberger
Black Teutonen Thrash / Polen
Cosmower 0 2412 17.04.2019, 08:18
last post goto marker von: Cosmower
no new topic Review: Sacred Reich / Iron Reagan (Split)  [EN]
Thrash Metal
UnDerTaker 0 1552 14.04.2019, 17:50
last post goto marker von: UnDerTaker
no new topic Review: Terrible Headache - Der Rote Baron
Feine Scheibe aus dem Saarland
Nabu 0 1584 09.03.2019, 20:23
last post goto marker von: Nabu
no new topic Review: Witching Hour - And Silent Grief Shadows the Passing Moon
Thrash the Metal Way from Germany
ALUCARD 2 1645 22.12.2018, 17:17
last post goto marker von: ALUCARD
no new topic Review: Ancestor - Lords of Destiny
First Wave Thrash aus Peking
ALUCARD 0 1508 01.12.2018, 22:37
last post goto marker von: ALUCARD
no new topic Review: JT Ripper - Gathering Of The Insane
BlackThrash aus Karl-Marx-Stadt
ALUCARD 1 1605 27.11.2018, 13:37
last post goto marker von: UnDerTaker
no new topic DEATHSTORM - Reaping What Is Left
Oldschool Thrash Metal der Klasse A
ElWiz 1 1571 20.05.2018, 14:57
last post goto marker von: Exorzist
no new topic MINDWARS - Do Unto Others
Speed-/ Thrash Metal á la good times
ElWiz 0 1448 19.05.2018, 18:06
last post goto marker von: ElWiz
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