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no new topic Review: Orgullo Nativo -  Entre el campo de batalla
Blackened Speed Thrash aus Kolumbien
ALUCARD 0 1568 07.05.2018, 16:53
no new topic BLOOD TSUNAMI - Grave Condition
Thrash - HC - Bastard / Norwegen
ElWiz 0 1265 17.04.2018, 19:33
von: ElWiz
no new topic Review: Prediction - No Tombs For THe Holy
Feines Preview aus Österreich
Nabu 1 1557 31.03.2018, 18:31
von: UnDerTaker
no new topic SEPULTURA - Machine Messiah
Heute so wichtig wie damals !
ElWiz 3 1625 20.02.2018, 21:14
von: ElWiz
no new topic Review: Bunker 66 - Chained Down in Dirt
Back to the Roots
Raven 1 1511 20.11.2017, 18:22
von: UnDerTaker
no new topic Review: Hexx - Wrath of the Reaper
Old School Thrash at it´s finest
Raven 1 1408 03.11.2017, 20:25
von: Exorzist
no new topic Review: Desecraror - To the Gallows
Old School meets Modern
Raven 2 1536 22.09.2017, 14:14
von: Raven
no new topic Review: Ancestor - Age of Overload
Old School Thrash aus Peking/China
ALUCARD 0 1504 12.09.2017, 15:05
no new topic Review: Schafott - The Black Flame
Black Thrash aus Deutschland
ALUCARD 2 1588 05.09.2017, 22:24
von: UnDerTaker
no new topic Review: King Parrot - Ugly Produce
Thrash-Grind-Punk aus Australien
ALUCARD 0 1441 03.09.2017, 16:31
no new topic Review: Infest - Addicted to Flesh
DeathThrash aus Serbien
ALUCARD 1 1538 30.08.2017, 20:55
von: Exorzist
no new topic Review: Affliktor - Affliktor
Debut Affliktor
Raven 5 1201 14.08.2017, 16:32
von: Exorzist
no new topic Review: Urn - The Burning
TerminalVelocity 6 1681 30.07.2017, 21:13
von: UnDerTaker
no new topic Review: Blackevil - The Ceremonial Fire
Fantastischer deutscher Thrash Metal
Nabu 2 1480 29.06.2017, 19:29
von: UnDerTaker
no new topic Review: Entrench - Through The Walls Of Flesh
Allerfeinster Schweden-Thrash!
Nabu 2 1570 19.06.2017, 22:56
von: UnDerTaker
no new topic INFERNÄL MÄJESTY - No God
Thrash Metal mit Herrscherpotential
ElWiz 3 1478 16.04.2017, 17:40
von: ElWiz
no new topic FABULOUS DESASTER - Hang 'Em High
"Bonn Area" Thrash Metal
ElWiz 1 2446 13.12.2016, 21:31
von: Exorzist
no new topic Review: Speedwhore - On The Verge Of Dysfunction (EP)
Black Thrash aus Deutschland (München)
ALUCARD 0 2372 15.11.2016, 23:48
no new topic Cd Review: Hellbringer -  Awakened from the Abyss
BlackThrash aus Australien
ALUCARD 0 1709 28.08.2016, 19:53
no new topic Review: SODOM - Decision Day
Thrashgewitter aus'm Pott
Höllenfürst 3 1553 22.08.2016, 09:24
von: Höllenfürst
no new topic WARFECT - Scavengers
Swedish Thrash Metal
ElWiz 0 1468 24.07.2016, 19:01
von: ElWiz
no new topic NERVOSA - Agony
Thrash Metal / Brasilien
ElWiz 1 1433 20.06.2016, 21:42
von: UnDerTaker
no new topic Review: Minotaur - Beast of Nations
Teutonenthrash aus Deutschland
ALUCARD 1 2178 09.04.2016, 12:58
von: Exorzist
no new topic Review: Disquiet - The Condemnation
Holländischer Modern Thrash
ALUCARD 0 1687 09.02.2016, 10:30
no new topic Review: KÖRGULL THE EXTERMINATOR - Reborn from the Ashes
Spanischer BlackThrash
ALUCARD 0 1774 04.02.2016, 11:58
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