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no new topic Review: Halcyon Way - Night Crawling
Metal, oder so....
ALUCARD 2 367 18.06.2024, 22:52
last post goto marker von: UnDerTaker
no new topic Review: Wytch Hazel / Phantom Spell - Ride On / Palantiri
Heavy Metal Split 7 Inch
ALUCARD 2 427 04.04.2024, 22:33
last post goto marker von: UnDerTaker
no new topic Spell / Pøltergeist -A Waxing Moon Over Babylon / Fall To Ruin
Heavy Metal & Hard Rock Split 7Inch
ALUCARD 0 395 30.03.2024, 12:46
last post goto marker von: ALUCARD
no new topic Review: Fellahin Fall - Urbana
(Goth)Metal / Brooklyn
ALUCARD 0 436 15.11.2023, 09:42
last post goto marker von: ALUCARD
no new topic Review: Tribulation - Hamartia
Gothic Metal aus Schweden
UnDerTaker 0 668 03.04.2023, 19:59
last post goto marker von: UnDerTaker
no new topic Review: The Foreshadowing - Forsaken Songs
Gothrock/Gothmetal - Italien
ALUCARD 1 658 30.03.2023, 12:43
last post goto marker von: Höllenfürst
no new topic Review: Draagyn - Bent Rib
DarkRock, DarkMetal / USA
ALUCARD 0 809 28.08.2022, 13:00
last post goto marker von: ALUCARD
no new topic Review: Cadaveria - Emptiness
Horrormetal/Darkmetal aus Italien
ALUCARD 0 868 31.05.2022, 11:28
last post goto marker von: ALUCARD
no new topic Review: Rumours - The Lower We Sink, The Less We Care
Heavymetal/Hardrock -Deutschland
ALUCARD 2 1034 25.04.2022, 13:26
last post goto marker von: UnDerTaker
no new topic Review: Keops - Road to Perdition
Kroatischer Heavy Metal
ALUCARD 0 884 24.04.2022, 11:27
last post goto marker von: ALUCARD
no new topic Review: Midnight Steamer - Shakedown Cruise
Heavyrock / Deutschland (Nürnberg)
ALUCARD 0 937 26.03.2022, 13:43
last post goto marker von: ALUCARD
no new topic Review: Amorphis - Halo
Album Nummer 14 der Finnen
ALUCARD 0 904 09.02.2022, 10:32
last post goto marker von: ALUCARD
no new topic Review: Death SS - Ten
Horror Metal / Italien
ALUCARD 2 877 20.11.2021, 23:23
last post goto marker von: ALUCARD
no new topic Review: Tribulation - Where the gloom becomes sound
Melancholic-Dark-Metal/Rock aus Schweden
UnDerTaker 0 1833 28.01.2021, 13:52
last post goto marker von: UnDerTaker
no new topic Review: Wytch Hazel - III:Pentecost
UK Heavy Rock
ALUCARD 1 1132 21.12.2020, 15:58
last post goto marker von: UnDerTaker
no new topic Review: Let Us Prey - Virtues Of The Vicious
Thrash/Modern Metal aus Amerika (Boston)
ALUCARD 0 1228 20.06.2020, 12:46
last post goto marker von: ALUCARD
no new topic Review: Hail Spirit Noir - Eden In Reverse
Spacerock/Progrock/Psychedelicmetal aus Griechenland
ALUCARD 1 1303 04.06.2020, 22:35
last post goto marker von: UnDerTaker
no new topic Review: Victorius - Space Ninjas From Hell
Sagenhaft fantastischer Power Metal
Nabu 1 1218 09.02.2020, 20:48
last post goto marker von: UnDerTaker
no new topic Review: Grendel's Sÿster - Myrtle Wreath / Myrtenkranz
Pastoral Metal / Epic Rock aus Stuttgart
ALUCARD 0 1405 06.10.2019, 23:32
last post goto marker von: ALUCARD
no new topic Review: Mystik - Mystik
Schwedischer Heavy Metal
ALUCARD 1 1402 01.07.2019, 12:37
last post goto marker von: Höllenfürst
no new topic Review: Indian Nightmare - By Ancient Force
Metalpunk aus Berlin
ALUCARD 0 1567 20.06.2019, 11:47
last post goto marker von: ALUCARD
no new topic Review: Cerberus - Fire
Heavy Metal aus Mexiko
ALUCARD 2 1495 29.05.2019, 21:38
last post goto marker von: UnDerTaker
no new topic Review: Albez Duz - Enigmatic Rites
DoomGothHeavystoff aus Berlin
ALUCARD 0 1564 19.04.2019, 21:17
last post goto marker von: ALUCARD
no new topic Rev: Grendel's Sÿster-Orphic Gold Leaves/Orphische Goldblättchen
"Jungian Epic Metal" aus Stuttgart
ALUCARD 0 1618 11.01.2019, 16:12
last post goto marker von: ALUCARD
no new topic Review: Fifth Angel - The Third Secret
US Metal Helden mit ihrem ersten Album seit fast 30 Jahren...
TeutonicSteel 0 1321 19.12.2018, 21:54
last post goto marker von: TeutonicSteel
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