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no new topic Review: HARAKIRI FOR THE SKY  - Scorched Earth
Post Black Metal aus Österreich [Harakiri24.1.2025]
UnDerTaker 2 138 18.01.2025, 08:57
last post goto marker von: UnDerTaker
no new topic Review: Äera - Phantast
Black Metal aus Deutschland
UnDerTaker 2 189 10.10.2024, 16:59
last post goto marker von: UnDerTaker
no new topic Review: Spectral Wound - Songs Of Blood and Mire
Black Metal aus Kanada
UnDerTaker 3 170 20.08.2024, 20:46
last post goto marker von: Exorzist
no new topic Review: Necrophobic - In The Twilight Grey
Black Metal aus Schweden
UnDerTaker 1 375 10.05.2024, 14:01
last post goto marker von: UnDerTaker
no new topic Review: Tulpa - Temple of Wounds
BlackDeath / Italien
ALUCARD 1 419 22.03.2024, 09:12
last post goto marker von: UnDerTaker
no new topic Review: Horresque - Chasms Pt. II - The Devouring Exorbitance
Black Metal aus dem Mainzer Umland
Exorzist 3 374 21.03.2024, 22:37
last post goto marker von: UnDerTaker
no new topic Review: They Came From Visions - The Twilight Robes
Black Metal / Ukraine
ALUCARD 1 438 18.02.2024, 12:41
last post goto marker von: Exorzist
no new topic Review: Ophanim - Taempelsklaeng
Ethereal Black Metal / Schweiz
ALUCARD 0 533 15.11.2023, 11:36
last post goto marker von: ALUCARD
no new topic Review: Aldaaron - Majestic Heights, Melancholic Depths
Black Metal aus Frankreich
UnDerTaker 1 550 03.11.2023, 20:46
last post goto marker von: Exorzist
no new topic Review: Uada - Crepuscule Natura
Melodic Black Metal
ALUCARD 1 607 18.09.2023, 11:07
last post goto marker von: UnDerTaker
no new topic Review: Valosta Varjoon - Boarisch Grattlig
Black`n`Punk aus Bayern
ALUCARD 1 664 19.08.2023, 21:41
last post goto marker von: UnDerTaker
no new topic Review: Ruïm - Black Royal Spiritism – I – O Sino da Igreja
Nicht das erhoffte Highlight
Nabu 1 639 12.06.2023, 13:14
last post goto marker von: UnDerTaker
no new topic Review: ANGSTSKRÍG - Angstkrig
Black Metal aus Dänemark
UnDerTaker 0 684 19.04.2023, 11:09
last post goto marker von: UnDerTaker
no new topic Review: Mork - Dypet
Schwarz in allen Formen und Farben
Nabu 1 730 17.04.2023, 14:28
last post goto marker von: UnDerTaker
no new topic Review: Unpure - Prophecies Ablaze
Speed/Death/Black Mix aus Schweden
Nabu 2 701 30.03.2023, 20:36
last post goto marker von: Exorzist
no new topic Review: Fiat Nox - Opium To Insidious Slumber
Black Metal / Bremen
ALUCARD 2 765 14.03.2023, 20:10
last post goto marker von: Exorzist
no new topic Review: Winter Willow - Existentiell Vånda
Depressive Post Rock / Black Metal - Schweden
ALUCARD 0 678 19.02.2023, 11:26
last post goto marker von: ALUCARD
no new topic Review: Aldaaron - Arcane Mountain Cult
Black Metal aus Frankreich
UnDerTaker 2 638 21.01.2023, 18:17
last post goto marker von: Exorzist
no new topic Review: Theotoxin - Fragment : Totenruhe
Black / Death Metal aus Österreich
UnDerTaker 5 749 02.01.2023, 17:23
last post goto marker von: UnDerTaker
no new topic Review: Deströyer 666 - Never Surrender
Old school Black/Thrash Metal aus Australien/Europa
UnDerTaker 0 766 05.12.2022, 15:27
last post goto marker von: UnDerTaker
no new topic Review: Iffernet - Silences
Black Metal / Frankreich
ALUCARD 0 735 15.11.2022, 11:04
last post goto marker von: ALUCARD
no new topic Review: Timor Et Tremor - Realm Of Ashes
Atmosphärischer Black Metal aus Deutschland
UnDerTaker 0 755 03.11.2022, 21:49
last post goto marker von: UnDerTaker
no new topic Review: Odium Humani Generis - Zarzewie
Black Metal / Polen
ALUCARD 2 774 27.10.2022, 13:12
last post goto marker von: Höllenfürst
no new topic Review: Panychida - Rírurec / Dreisessel
Black Metal / Tschechien
ALUCARD 2 926 17.08.2022, 07:47
last post goto marker von: ALUCARD
no new topic Review: Panzerfaust - The Suns of Perdition - Chapter III
Black Metal aus Kanada
UnDerTaker 1 856 15.08.2022, 13:20
last post goto marker von: Exorzist
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