Musik - Black Metaller MELECHESH trennen sich von Bassist Rahm
melecheshDie Sumerian Thrash Black Metaller MELECHESH haben sich aus "professionellen" Gründen von ihrem Bassist Rahm, welcher erst vor einem Jahr zur Band kam, getrennt.
Ashmedi kommentiert wie folgt: "The band unanimously decided it is best to part ways with Rahm due to professional reasons that could have seriously affected the well being of the band. We wish him nothing but the best, we had good times. For now we will be auditioning bass players/backing vocalists."

MELECHESH suchen nun einen neuen Bassisten und Backgroundsänger.

Folgende Anforderungen sollen erfüllt sein:
* Interest in the themes and music of MELECHESH is paramount
* Of semi-sound and open mind
* Skilled musician
* Team player
* Living in or around The Netherlands is a plus
UnDerTaker am 28.04.2011, 21:25