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Thema: NOCTURNAL - Possessed Creations CD draussen !, Compilation CD mit unveröffentlichtem und rarem Material.< Älteres Thema | Neueres Thema >
 Beitrag Nummer: 1
sexwithsatan Search for posts by this member.

Gruppe: Freunde
Beiträge: 11
Seit: 07.2010

Mitglied Bewertung: Nichts
PostIcon Geschrieben: 15.09.2010, 18:10   Ignore posts   QUOTE


“Possessed Creations” is a compilation release which features mostly unreleased material and adds a few tracks taken from sold out 7” releases making them available to a wider audience. Tracks 1-6 are taken from an unreleased demo recording session taking place in 2008, first recordings made with the new vocalist Tyrannizer. 7-8 are live recordings made at Festung Open Air in Bitterfeld / Germany 2006. Track 7 features Blumi (Metal Inquisitor/Metalucifer) on guest vocals (just like on the Arrival of the Carnivore Album). Track 9 is a previously unreleased DARK ANGEL Cover. Tracks 10-13 are taken from various 7” and compilation releases which are all more or less sold out in their original form. Cover artwork was handled by Josh Mc Alear who previously worked for such bands as Toxic Holocaust or Nunslaughter among others (www.joshmcalear.com).

THIS RELEASE IS NOT FOR TRADE !!!! The CD was released
on the bands own label Thrashing Rage Records with the idea to partly
finance the planned NOCTURNAL USA tour for May 2011. More infos regarding
that tour once the time is right !

Single copies are available for 10 EUR from http://shop.deathstrike.de

Wholesale copies are available too....
10 copies with postage and paypal included for germany and europe 50 EUR
and outside of europe 55 EUR ! CD´s will be sent without jewelcases.
Please write to deathstrike(ÄT)deathstrike.de if you want to purchase wholesale
and if you maybe need more copies we can arrange a deal.

This release will be officially distributed by HELL´s HEADBANGERS (www.hellsheadbangers.com) in the USA and OBLITERATION RECORDS (www.obliteration.jp) in japan. Their copies are on the way, just wait until they have them in stock.
0 Antworten seit 15.09.2010, 18:10 < Älteres Thema | Neueres Thema >

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