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Thema: Crescent, Death Metal aus Ägypten< Älteres Thema | Neueres Thema >
 Beitrag Nummer: 1
Exorzist Search for posts by this member.
Total Satan

Gruppe: Bangerfront
Beiträge: 14744
Seit: 04.2002

Mitglied Bewertung: 4.64
PostIcon Geschrieben: 29.01.2021, 19:54  Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

 Carving the Fires of Akhet heißt das neue Album der ägyptischen Deather von Crescent. Das Nachfolgealbum zu The Order of Armenti soll irgendwann im späten Frühling 2021 über Listenable Recodres erscheinen und man darf sehr gespannt sein, was die Band hier wieder bösartiges kreiert hat.

Lest hier das Statement der Band zum neuen Album:

"Carving the Fires of Akhet" conveys in all its aspects a powerful meaning that is of important value to us. The album title acts as the thread that holds all tracks together. The Fires of Akhet represents the great divine will that was carved into humanity's history and future. A value that brought nations to their apex and brought others to their knees, and the cycle goes on. The artwork is inspired by one of the most ancient relics of Egypt, one which had and still has a huge influence on the narrative of its history. We are sure fanatics of Ancient Egypt will be able to recognize it. We wanted to bring it to life and reflect every inspiring tale of it through recreating it in a Baroque style art. Khaos Diktator Design
created a massive piece of art, translating our vision into reality by achieving exactly what we were looking for and even more! This piece of art is a monolith to be proud of.

Lyrically, the album touches upon a primeval epic story that is full of struggle and blood. It also reflects drunkenness with divine power, and pure evil in its religious and historic form (and beyond). Finally, the album takes us to a dark journey of philosophical and material decay. The themes will not only be represented by the sound, but also by artworks that express the images in our minds.

Musically, it does not try to repeat what we have already achieved, especially in "The Order of Amenti". We challenged ourselves and raised our fire higher by crossing many borders beyond what is simply expected of us. It manifests Crescent's growing identity and beyond, starting a new era for the band. We decided to record the new version of our 1999 track 'Dreamland', which is something that we wanted to do for many years and it is one of our most important tracks, which perfectly fits within the album. As for the cover songs, we could not fight the urge anymore to not pay tribute to these two bands that have been nothing but bastions of influence and sincerity throughout the majority of our musical journey. It is something for our own enjoyment.

This album has been the most honest we have ever created. Carving the Fires of Akhet is, lyrically and musically, a piece of our artistic expression that feels like a colossal part of our being. This album takes a darker path than our previous releases, while being more melodic than ever. There is a lot more to reveal and a lot more to go beyond your expectations.

1 - The Fires of Akhet
2 - Moot Set Waas
3 - Serpent of Avaris
4 - Neb-Pehti-Ra
5 - Imprecations upon Thy Flame
6 - Drowned in Theban Blood
7 - Crimson Descension
8 - As Nu Enshrines Death

Bonus tracks:
9 - Dreamland ('99 revamp)
10 - Xeper-I-Set (Dissection cover)
11 - ...For Victory (Bolt Thrower cover)

Artwork by Khaos Diktator Design

To be released in late Spring 2021 with Listenable records
More information will follow in due time!

Bearbeitet von Exorzist an 29.01.2021, 19:54

No Glatz - No Glory
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 Beitrag Nummer: 2
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Total Satan

Gruppe: Bangerfront
Beiträge: 14744
Seit: 04.2002

Mitglied Bewertung: 4.64
PostIcon Geschrieben: 22.03.2021, 20:08 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

 Announcement: André parts ways with Crescent, and Stefan Dietz joins on bass

Unfortunately, André is no longer part of the band. We'd like to thank him for the great shows we had together and for his remarkable contribution on bass/backing vocals on "Carving the Fires of Akhet" which you will be witnessing soon. We wish him the best of luck on all of his bands/projects.

We are excited and honored to announce that we are joined on bass by our friend and brother Stefan Dietz (Nocte Obducta, Horresque, ex-live Melechesh and live Schammasch). It is absolutely a perfect fit as we share the same taste, vision and drive for Death/Black Metal. Not to mention that Stefan has a massive experience that is decades long! Stefan represents a truly powerful addition to the band and we are looking forward to raising hell on stage together, especially with the upcoming release.

Help us in welcoming our brother in our midst.

Photo credit: Shade Grown Eye Photography | Björn Franck

No Glatz - No Glory
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 Beitrag Nummer: 3
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Total Satan

Gruppe: Bangerfront
Beiträge: 14744
Seit: 04.2002

Mitglied Bewertung: 4.64
PostIcon Geschrieben: 22.03.2021, 20:09 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Der Stefan ist schon ein umtriebiger Kerl!  :ok:

No Glatz - No Glory
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 Beitrag Nummer: 4
UnDerTaker Search for posts by this member.
Total Satan

Gruppe: Super Administrators
Beiträge: 10267
Seit: 04.2002

Mitglied Bewertung: 4.83
PostIcon Geschrieben: 23.03.2021, 12:48 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Reinpassen tut er da bestimmt, schon allein wegen der Melechesh-Erfahrung.
Aber nur Bass ist schon ein geringer Anspruch an den Mann. Mal sehen wie lange das hält und was da kommt.

I will rise up from the chaos
I will rise up from the grave
A brother to the darkness
A master to the slaves
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 Beitrag Nummer: 5
Exorzist Search for posts by this member.
Total Satan

Gruppe: Bangerfront
Beiträge: 14744
Seit: 04.2002

Mitglied Bewertung: 4.64
PostIcon Geschrieben: 20.05.2021, 20:14 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

 Crescent haben mit “As Nu Enshrines Death” ihren ersten Song vom neuen Album Carving the Fires of Akhet Online gestellt. Das Lyric-Video zum Song kann man HIER genießen. Der erste Eindruck lässt großes erwarten !!

“As Nu Enshrines Death” is a 7-minute song that combines and encompasses the long journey of Crescent for the past 20+ years. A perfect combination of Crescent's long inspirations mixed with its own fingerprint that led to a unique, majestic and dark output. It is certainly one of our darkest, albeit melodic, tracks to date and it musically highlights that aspect of the album. Lyrically, it is inspired by one of the rarest ancient Egyptian prophecies that herald the flood of life by the growing darkness within all of us and the chaotic consequences that will swallow everything in its way. This video was created by our brother-in-arms (also ex-bassist) Moanis Salem; he helped us achieve the dark atmosphere that As Nu Enshrines Death depicts, by also utilizing yet another brutally majestic art-piece dedicated to this track (which was created by Khaos Diktator Design)

No Glatz - No Glory
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 Beitrag Nummer: 6
Exorzist Search for posts by this member.
Total Satan

Gruppe: Bangerfront
Beiträge: 14744
Seit: 04.2002

Mitglied Bewertung: 4.64
PostIcon Geschrieben: 04.08.2021, 20:17 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Neues Video, neuer Song Online!

No Glatz - No Glory
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 Beitrag Nummer: 7
UnDerTaker Search for posts by this member.
Total Satan

Gruppe: Super Administrators
Beiträge: 10267
Seit: 04.2002

Mitglied Bewertung: 4.83
PostIcon Geschrieben: 11.08.2021, 13:00 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Guter Song im typischen Stil der Jungs :ok:

I will rise up from the chaos
I will rise up from the grave
A brother to the darkness
A master to the slaves
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 Beitrag Nummer: 8
UnDerTaker Search for posts by this member.
Total Satan

Gruppe: Super Administrators
Beiträge: 10267
Seit: 04.2002

Mitglied Bewertung: 4.83
PostIcon Geschrieben: 03.09.2024, 13:30 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

crescentGitarrist Youssef Saleh steigt nach 10 Jahren bei den Ägyptischen Death Metallern Crescent aus.

Erst vor wenigen Tagen gab auch Stefan Dietz als Bassist der Band aus Zeitgründen seinen Posten in der Band auf.

» Youssef Saleh parts ways with Crescent. It's been a mutual decision after 10 years of blood and iron together. Unfortunately all good things come to an end. It's been an unforgettable journey and we do wish him the best on his future plans. It's a farewell but he remains family to us.
More news will follow tonight.«

Bearbeitet von UnDerTaker an 03.09.2024, 13:31

I will rise up from the chaos
I will rise up from the grave
A brother to the darkness
A master to the slaves
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 Beitrag Nummer: 9
Exorzist Search for posts by this member.
Total Satan

Gruppe: Bangerfront
Beiträge: 14744
Seit: 04.2002

Mitglied Bewertung: 4.64
PostIcon Geschrieben: 03.09.2024, 14:32 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Schade, hoffe, die Band kann das wieder irgendwie auffüllen.

No Glatz - No Glory
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 Beitrag Nummer: 10
Exorzist Search for posts by this member.
Total Satan

Gruppe: Bangerfront
Beiträge: 14744
Seit: 04.2002

Mitglied Bewertung: 4.64
PostIcon Geschrieben: 03.09.2024, 19:45 Skip to the previous post in this topic.  Ignore posts   QUOTE

....und Zack!


Jake Shuker to join Crescent on guitar and backing vocals.
The Assyrian descent joins the ancient Egyptian front which will forge a new power that will be undoubtedly tyrannical!
Jake's talent and skill as a guitarist is outstanding, having a good experience in live settings made our decision even easier!
Please join us to welcome Jake to Crescent!!
Crescent is available and as ready as always to be booked for fests and shows.

No Glatz - No Glory
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10 Antworten seit 29.01.2021, 19:54 < Älteres Thema | Neueres Thema >

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