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Thema: Jordsjuk - Black Metal aus Norwegen, Sammelthread< Älteres Thema | Neueres Thema >
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Gruppe: Super Administrators
Beiträge: 10267
Seit: 04.2002

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PostIcon Geschrieben: 02.01.2024, 22:24   Ignore posts   QUOTE

jordsjukPrepare for a groundbreaking new voice in the realm of black metal: Jordsjuk! The trio consists of the seasoned veterans from esteemed bands such as Djevel, Nordjevel, Urgehal and Koldbrann, and January 5th 2024, they will unleash their debut single “Siste Skanse”.

Jordsjuk plays fierce, deliciously primitive and groovy black metal with their feet planted in both death and corruption. They are embodying the future of Norwegian black metal, and you can expect catchy and effective songs combined with introverted lyrics about mental burdens, doomsday, and the general discomfort plagues the human mind. Their extreme and raw sound immediately grabbed the attention from the renowned metal label Indie Recordings, known for working with bands like Gaahls WYRD, Kampfar, 1349 and Carpathian Forest.

Erlend Gjerde, Managing Director at Indie Recordings states:
"Finally! I`ve been waiting for this sound and feeling for years now. Cold and blackened rock-metal at its finest giving you that thumbs-down feeling we all love".

Besides landing a recording deal with Indie Recodings, Metal Injection also recognized Jordsjuk as one of Norway's most promising new groups, solidifying their potential as torchbearers for the future black metal scene. Their upcoming single “Siste Skanse” narrates the post-doomsday experiences of the last survivors, and their lack of meaning in the aftermath. The band states:
“Nekro times needs nekro music..! We’re here to bring you death and doom with a groove!”

“Siste Skanse” offers a glimpse into Jordsjuks upcoming EP, "Råtner på Rot", and in a world hungry for a new black metal revelation, Jordsjuk stands ready to capture the scene. On top of releasing their debut single January 5th also marks the day of their live debut. Fans will have the chance to witness Jordsjuk on the Orgivm Satanicvm Festival in Oslo, together with bands like Marduk and 1349. Don’t miss out.

Band Website: www.facebook.com/jordsjuk

I will rise up from the chaos
I will rise up from the grave
A brother to the darkness
A master to the slaves
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0 Antworten seit 02.01.2024, 22:24 < Älteres Thema | Neueres Thema >

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