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Shrine of Denial kommen aus der Türkei und sind ein Geheimtipp. Sie vermischen Stile und kreieren wunderschön strukturierte Songs, die sowohl intensiv als auch einprägsam sind. Nach der Veröffentlichung von Alben von Serpent of Old und Carnophage aus der Türkei freuen wir uns, mit den Newcomern Shrine of Denial für ihr Debütalbum zusammenzuarbeiten. Einige ihrer Tracks könnt ihr euch auf Bandcamp anhören! Das neue Album erscheint am 7.März über Transcending Obscurity Records.
Like their label and country mates Serpent of Old, Shrine of Denial are blending styles and forging their own sound, and channelling it through narrative, superbly thought out structures that despite the twists and turns remain memorable. Perhaps it is a Turkish trait to have the songs this meticulously written, and to achieve that Shrine of Denial have used elements of both death and black metal in varying degrees, often blurring the boundaries between the two in the process. The result is exhilarating, as the band effortlessly switches from fast, blasting parts to slow melodic hooks and then quickly accelerates back to their high-speed mode, using whatever stylistic liberties available. It is an engaging, intense and stirring album that doesn’t get carried away and goes beyond what is necessary or appropriate; despite the vagaries, it remains solid, cohesive and impactful throughout. For what it does, 'I, Moloch' is one of the strongest albums not only to come out of that region in recent times but also in the blackened death metal style as a whole.
For fans of - Serpent of Old, Dead Congregation, Emperor, Behemoth, Burial Invocation, The Chasm
Tracklisting: 1. Climbing Through Nothingness 2. A Sanctuary In The Depths Of The Realms 3. I, Moloch 4. Pillars Of Ice 5. The Mesmer 6. Oneiros 7. Headless Idol 8. Temple of the Corpse Misuser