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GOD DETHRONED will reunite on board 70000TONS OF METAL!
After their farewell performance on board 70000TONS OF METAL in January 2012 we are proud to announce the band’s return!
Exactly 3 years later, they are scheduled to return to the stage more aggressive then ever! It will all begin with 70000TONS OF METAL, The World's Biggest Heavy Metal Cruise, sailing to Jamaica in January 2015.
GOD DETHRONED front man, Henri Sattler, explains:
"In early 2011, I was facing two options: one was to announce a break, and the other option was to quit the band. I definitely needed time away from it all, and having a break wasn't reassuring enough to know if I would be able to recharge the batteries for another go."
"Oddly enough it was at the funeral of the man who discovered us in the first place that I came to realize the story wasn't finished yet. So here we go again. Don't think you will be able to see us playing every club for weekends on end. We will only play a small selection of shows and this won't happen before 2015. Besides that, the core of the band will consist of only Michiel and myself. We'll have some cool guest musicians lined up, though, to make sure we'll give you the best performance possible.
Last but not least, our first shows will be where we played our last ones three years ago. Our rebirth will happen on board 70000TONS OF METAL 2015. See you on board!"
70000TONS OF METAL, The Original, The World's Biggest Heavy Metal Cruise has already confirmed: Alestorm, Annihilator, Apocalyptica, Arch Enemy, Behemoth, Blind Guardian, Cannibal Corpse, Chimaira, D.A.D., Ensiferum, Equilibrium, God Dethroned, Grave Digger, Heathen, In Extremo, Kataklysm, Korpiklaani, Lake Of Tears, Michael Schenker's Temple Of Rock, Napalm Death, Origin, Primal Fear, Tank, Therion, Threshold, Triosphere and Xentrix, with 33 more to come!
70000TONS OF METAL, The World's Biggest Heavy Metal Cruise, will sail Thursday, January 22, 2015 aboard the Royal Caribbean “Liberty Of The Seas” from Port Everglades in Fort Lauderdale near Miami, FL and will not return to the real world until Monday, January 26, 2015
Ticket prices start at US$666 plus US$333 taxes and fees per person and include all on-board entertainment, non-alcoholic and non-carbonated beverages, all meals in the dining rooms, most on-board restaurants and even 24 room service!
Die Frage, die ich mir stelle, ist eher, die wievielte abgeblasene Bandauflösung das generell ist. Warum bringen die BAnds einfach nur keine Platten mehr raus, bis sie wieder Bock haben und labern nicht laufend von Auflösung. Ich mein, das tut schon weh, wenn die Onkelz erst versprechen ,niiiieee wieder um nix auf der Welt jeeemaaals wieder zusammen zu musizieren und dann suchen sie die Welt doch wieder heim und verdienen einen Arsch voll Geld. Die ganze Freude ist dann im Arsch... MANN !!! Wenigstens lösen sich die SCORPIONS einfach gar nicht wirklich so richtig auf... Oder nehmen wir PESTILENCE ( eine Band, die ich immer geschätzt habe...musikalisch ): Wieder mal löst man sich auf. AAABBBER: wenn man die Band für einen Klassiker-Set buchen, sprich nen Batzen Kohle hinblättern, will, dann ist das schon jetzt mal kein Problem. Wenigstens gleich ehrlich. Nur so am Rande, GD selbst sind mir musikalisch eh schon ewig recht egal, daher auch die Reunion.
Gruppe: Super Administrators
Beiträge: 10268
Seit: 04.2002
Mitglied Bewertung: 4.83
Geschrieben: 02.09.2016, 15:55
God Dethroned sind back und so was von... Checkt euch hier unser Live-Video von God Dethroned mit dem Song "Soul Sweeper" vom Boarstream Open Air am 23.07.2016 an. Grandioser Song, grandiose Band, grandiose Performance!
-------------- I will rise up from the chaos I will rise up from the grave A brother to the darkness A master to the slaves