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 +++ Zur Gesamtübersicht... der Reviews +++
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no new topic Review: Marilyn Manson - One Assassination Under God - Chapter 1
Electrorock / Amerika
ALUCARD 0 47 04.01.2025, 14:40
last post goto marker von: ALUCARD
no new topic Review: Ulver - Liminal Animals
Electrorock / Norwegen
ALUCARD 0 45 04.01.2025, 14:02
last post goto marker von: ALUCARD
no new topic Review: The Offspring - Supercharged
Punkrock aus den USA
UnDerTaker 0 137 10.10.2024, 22:36
last post goto marker von: UnDerTaker
no new topic Review: New Model Army - Unbroken
Indie / England
ALUCARD 1 416 28.01.2024, 20:26
last post goto marker von: UnDerTaker
no new topic Review: Host - IX
UK Electropop/Synthwave
ALUCARD 1 712 20.02.2023, 11:25
last post goto marker von: UnDerTaker
no new topic Review: Plakkaggio - Verso La Vetta
Punkrock/Heavymetal aus Italien
ALUCARD 0 863 11.03.2022, 09:35
last post goto marker von: ALUCARD
no new topic Review: Beyond The Styx - Sentence
Metallic Hardcore/Frankreich
ALUCARD 0 880 10.01.2022, 10:36
last post goto marker von: ALUCARD
no new topic Review: MACE - Sacrifice
Hardcorepunk aus Deutschland
UnDerTaker 0 824 07.12.2021, 18:45
last post goto marker von: UnDerTaker
no new topic Review: Billy Idol - The Roadside EP
Frisches Material vom Altmeister
ALUCARD 3 945 18.09.2021, 14:02
last post goto marker von: UnDerTaker
no new topic Review: The Offspring - Let The Bad Times Roll
Genau SO geht Punkrock
Nabu 1 1719 22.04.2021, 09:13
last post goto marker von: UnDerTaker
no new topic Review: Marshall Ar.ts - ...The Pallid Mask Is Talking...
Crossover aus Berlin
ALUCARD 0 1081 12.02.2021, 11:23
last post goto marker von: ALUCARD
no new topic Review: Citizen Rage - Black EP
Hardcore Punk / Thrash aus Kanada
ALUCARD 0 1144 26.10.2020, 10:08
last post goto marker von: ALUCARD
no new topic Review: Tear Drop - Did You Wanna Love Me To Death
Hardcore / Metalcore aus Texas
ALUCARD 0 1162 28.09.2020, 13:44
last post goto marker von: ALUCARD
no new topic Review: In Cold Blood - Leggion of Angels
Hardcore aus Cleveland
ALUCARD 0 1327 23.08.2019, 12:46
last post goto marker von: ALUCARD
no new topic Review: A Long Way To Fall - Faces
Melodic Metalcore aus Deutschland
ALUCARD 0 1536 30.12.2018, 21:33
last post goto marker von: ALUCARD
no new topic Review: The Black Passage - Herostratos
Metalcore / Death Metal aus Karlsruhe
ALUCARD 0 1491 24.07.2018, 23:04
last post goto marker von: ALUCARD
no new topic Review: Collapse Under The Empire - TheFallen Ones
Instrumentaler Flächensound aus Deutschland
ALUCARD 0 1547 16.04.2018, 15:18
last post goto marker von: ALUCARD
no new topic Review: Threat Signal - Disconnect
Modern Thrash aus Kanada
ALUCARD 1 1634 09.10.2017, 12:51
last post goto marker von: UnDerTaker
no new topic LIFE OF AGONY - A Place Where There's No More Pain
Der Platz am Ende des Flusses...
ElWiz 0 1287 12.04.2017, 18:57
last post goto marker von: ElWiz
no new topic Review: Shining - International Blackjazz Society
Industrial Rock aus Norwegen
ALUCARD 0 2038 23.10.2015, 16:27
last post goto marker von: ALUCARD
no new topic Review: Coal Chamber - Rivals
Die Nu Metal Band kehrt zurück
ALUCARD 0 2129 20.05.2015, 17:40
last post goto marker von: ALUCARD
no new topic Review: Samsara Circle - Sanctum
Melodischer Metalcore aus Düsseldorf
Nabu 2 2539 13.01.2015, 08:39
last post goto marker von: Nabu
no new topic Review: Manes - Be All End All
Experimental/Elektro Rock aus Norwegen
ALUCARD 1 2970 26.10.2014, 21:00
last post goto marker von: UnDerTaker
no new topic Undermine The Supremacy - Ashes
NWOAHM aus Australien
Nabu 4 2100 25.09.2014, 17:26
last post goto marker von: Nabu
no new topic Review: Betontod - Viva Punk-Mit Vollgas durch die Hölle
Live Cd der Deutschrocker
ALUCARD 0 2899 22.11.2013, 17:54
last post goto marker von: ALUCARD
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