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no new topic Review: Hereza - Decomposed Beyond Recognition
Death/Thrash Metal aus Deutschland
UnDerTaker 0 139 13.11.2024, 20:36
last post goto marker von: UnDerTaker
no new topic Review: MERCYLESS - Those Who Reign Below
Death Metal aus Frankreich
OliDoA 0 101 04.11.2024, 23:15
last post goto marker von: OliDoA
no new topic Review: Keitzer - Pandemonium Humanitas
Death / Grind aus Deutschland
UnDerTaker 2 198 30.09.2024, 10:55
last post goto marker von: Höllenfürst
no new topic Review: Demonical - Victorious Death (Live in Latin America)
Swedish Death Live
ALUCARD 1 228 28.08.2024, 20:12
last post goto marker von: Exorzist
no new topic REVEL IN FLESH – Death Kult Legions (Seiten 1 2 )
Bester schwedischer old school Death aus Deutschland
Exorzist 10 3053 18.06.2024, 23:15
last post goto marker von: UnDerTaker
no new topic Review: SEVERE TORTURE - Torn from the Jaws of Death
Brutal Death Metal aus den Niederlanden [Severe Torture07.6.2024]
OliDoA 1 376 06.06.2024, 20:56
last post goto marker von: UnDerTaker
no new topic Review: Illdisposed - In Chambers of Sonic Disgust
Death Metal aus Dänemark [VÖ Illdisposed27.6.2024]
UnDerTaker 0 356 05.06.2024, 14:15
last post goto marker von: UnDerTaker
no new topic Review: EVOKED - Immoral Arts
Old school Death Metal aus NRW [Evoked VÖ17.5.2024]
OliDoA 0 249 10.05.2024, 14:03
last post goto marker von: OliDoA
no new topic Review: DEICIDE - Banished by Sin
Death Metal Legende aus den USA [VÖ: Deicide26.4.2024]
OliDoA 1 393 21.04.2024, 13:52
last post goto marker von: Exorzist
no new topic Review: BRODEQUIN - Harbinger of Woe
Brutal Death Metal aus den USA
OliDoA 1 286 05.04.2024, 19:59
last post goto marker von: Exorzist
no new topic Review: Messiah - Christus Hypercubus
Death Metal aus der Schweiz
OliDoA 0 314 28.02.2024, 16:05
last post goto marker von: OliDoA
no new topic Review: HIRAES - Dormant
Melodic Death Metal aus Deutschland
UnDerTaker 0 309 27.02.2024, 19:34
last post goto marker von: UnDerTaker
no new topic Review: Master - Saints Dispelled
Styx 0 923 18.12.2023, 16:40
last post goto marker von: Styx
no new topic Review: SUFFOCATION - Hymns from the Apocrypha
Death Metal aus den USA
OliDoA 0 396 09.11.2023, 22:33
last post goto marker von: OliDoA
no new topic Review: Impalement - The Dawn Of Blackened Death
Death/Black Metal aus der Schweiz
UnDerTaker 4 652 03.11.2023, 04:11
last post goto marker von: Nabu
no new topic Review: Decapitated Christ - Glorious Tyrannizing of Human Rats
Rückkehr der Spanier holpert--
Nabu 3 551 03.11.2023, 04:09
last post goto marker von: Nabu
no new topic Review: Warcrab - The Howling Silence
Sludge Death Metal aus UK
Styx 1 515 28.08.2023, 20:35
last post goto marker von: Exorzist
no new topic Review: Sulphur Aeon -  Seven Crowns And Seven Seals
Black/ Death Metal
Cosmower 4 645 28.08.2023, 20:33
last post goto marker von: Exorzist
no new topic Review: Kataklysm - Goliath
Da zeichnen sich gute Tendenzen ab!
Nabu 1 505 13.08.2023, 20:30
last post goto marker von: UnDerTaker
no new topic Review: Gutslit - Carnal
Indisches Gerumpel ohne Schnörkel
Nabu 1 632 15.07.2023, 11:38
last post goto marker von: Exorzist
no new topic Review: Vinsta - Freiweitn
Alpiner Death Metal aus Österreich
ALUCARD 1 635 20.06.2023, 22:33
last post goto marker von: UnDerTaker
no new topic Review: Brimstone Gate - Return from the Brimstone Portal
Melodiöser Death Metal aus Hamm
Nabu 1 593 26.05.2023, 11:03
last post goto marker von: UnDerTaker
no new topic Review: OLKOTH - At the Eye of Chaos
Black/Death Metal aus den USA [Olkoth26.5.2023]
OliDoA 0 630 21.05.2023, 11:22
last post goto marker von: OliDoA
no new topic Review: Abolish - ...From The Depths
Düsterer old school Death Metal aus der Türkei [Abolish Release08.5.2023]
UnDerTaker 2 1300 09.04.2023, 19:03
last post goto marker von: Exorzist
no new topic Review: Hatesphere - Hatred Reborn
Death/Thrash-Metal aus Dänemark
The Overkiller 2 623 03.04.2023, 21:00
last post goto marker von: The Overkiller
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