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Thema: Pestilence Records - 10th-Anniversary-Price-Campaign (50%!)< Älteres Thema | Neueres Thema >
 Beitrag Nummer: 1
pestilence-records Search for posts by this member.

Gruppe: Freunde
Beiträge: 30
Seit: 11.2008

Mitglied Bewertung: Nichts
PostIcon Geschrieben: 27.07.2013, 12:56  Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Kaum zu glauben, aber wahr: Im Juli feiert Pestilence Records sein 10-jähriges Bestehen! Grund genug an dieser Stelle all unseren treuen Kunden, Bands, Vertriebspartnern und all jenen weltweit zu danken, die uns die ganzen Jahre unterstützt und uns auf unserem Weg begleitet haben.DANKE - DANKE - DANKE!! Auf dass noch viele weitere Jahre unter der Fahne des Schwarzen Todes folgen werden!
Aus diesem Anlass haben wir ab sofort fast 1200 Artikel 50% im Preis reduziert (die gewohntenVersandkosten bleiben wie gehabt)! Die Ersten werden die Ersten sein!! Diese Aktion endet am 31. August 2013 um Mitternacht! Horns up!!

Hard to believe, but true: Pestilence Records is celebrating its 10th anniversary in July!! Reason enough to give thanks to all of our faithful customers, bands, distributors and all the people all over the world, who have supported and followed us and helped us spreading the Plague for so many years now!!
In honour of this occasion, we are offering a 50% discount on almost 1200 titles from now on (regular shipping fees will apply)!! Your time is now!! Join us under the banner of Pestilence!! First comes, first served!! Sale ends at midnight August 31st, 2013!! Horns up!!

....:::: PESTILENCE RECORDS ::::....
BlackMetal Label, Distribution, Events
P.O. Box 1137
97464 Niederwerrn
 Beitrag Nummer: 2
pestilence-records Search for posts by this member.

Gruppe: Freunde
Beiträge: 30
Seit: 11.2008

Mitglied Bewertung: Nichts
PostIcon Geschrieben: 27.07.2013, 12:57 Skip to the previous post in this topic.  Ignore posts   QUOTE


Here are our latest arrivals:
* Asaru - From the Chasms of Oblivion CD 10.00
* Avsked - Livets Ironi CD 4.50
* Chadenn - Pour Redevenir Poussière CD 9.00
* Chaos Invocation - Black Mirror Hours CD 10.00
* Colorless Forest - Those Who Come With The Rain CD 9.00
* Cristalys - In Hoc Signo Vinces DigiCD 10.00
* Cristalys - Suréminence CD 9.00
* Curse - Void Above, Abyss Below CD 10.00
* Dark Armageddon - Flammenmeer CD 8.00
* Decayed / Irae / Inquisitor - From the Underworld with Hate SplitCD 9.00
* Demonic Slaughter - Cold Disease of Reality CD 9.00
* Diabolicon - The Source of the Black Light CD 9.00
* Dodsferd / Nadiwrath - Misanthropic Bonds CD 9.00
* Dødkvlt - III: Domĭni Ascensiōnem CD 10.00
* Elimi - Summoned from Ashes CD 9.00
* Eschaton - Unshaken CD 9.00
* Extirpation - Reverse the Reality CD 9.00
* Fir Bolg - Towards Ancestral Lands CD 10.00
* Flagellant - Maledictum CD 10.00
* Flamen - Supremo Die MCD 7.00
* Fornicatus - Razorsunday CD 4.50
* Fornicatus / Apathia / Andrarakh - Weeping Spirits-An Ode to Sorrow in Man 3-way-SplitCD 4.50
* Fortíð - Völuspá Part III: Fall of the Ages CD 10.00
* Frigoris - Wind CD 9.00
* Göatfukk - Procession of Forked Tongues MCD 7.50
* Horna - Askel Lähempänä Saatanaa CD 10.00
* Lykauges - Swan Song CD 4.50
* Martelo Negro - Sortilégio Dos Mortos CD 6.00
* Mek Na Ver - Heresy CD 4.50
* Membaris - Entartet CD 10.00
* Mephorash - Chalice of Thagirion CD 9.00
* Moonkult - Profane Nightmare of Seers CD 9.00
* Necrohell - Possessed By Nocturnal Grimness CD 10.00
* Nocturnal Amentia - Hec Regnum Meum Est CD 9.00
* Paria - Surrealist Satanist DigiCD 11.00
* Rein - La Cocaïne des Seigneurs CD 9.00
* Repulsive Aggression - Conflagration CD 10.00
* Sarkrista - The Acheronian Worship CD 9.00
* Schattenfang - Abgründe MCD 6.00
* Seelenfrost - Nostalgia: Zwischen Zukunft und Vergangenheit DigibookCD 11.00
* Sekhmet - Words of the Master (Proverbs of Hell) CD 10.00
* Sepulchral Cries - A Sombre Soul CD 4.50
* Slaktare - From Fall of Leaves to Painful Wrath 2-CD 6.00
* Stíny Plamenů - Výprava za pravdou špíny CD 9.00
* Svartfell - Apocryphe Apocalypse CD 9.00
* Svarttjern - Misanthropic Path of Madness CD 10.00
* The Last Knell - Æon Vmbra Genesis CD 4.50
* Vardan - Lifeless Shadow CD 10.00
* Hypothermia - Veins LP 11.00
* Necrohell - Possessed By Nocturnal Grimness LP 11.00
* Sad - Devouring the Divine LP 12.00
* Augrimmer / Grave Desecrator - Bloody Deathcross Split-7"EP 5.50
* Perisynti - Helvetti 666 666 7"EP 5.00
* Decayed - Hail to the Ancient Brethren T-Shirt, Size L 13.00
* Decayed - Hail to the Ancient Brethren T-Shirt, Size XL 13.00
* Aragon - Torn By the Devil Tape 4.00
* Daren - Słowa Tape 4.00
* Execution Of Light - Rotting Blood of Sacrifice Tape 4.00
* Grave Desecrator - Insult Tape 4.00
* Moredhel - Satanik ******* Tape (in special cardboard case!!) 5.00
* Necrohell - Carpathian Nights Tape 4.00
* Necrohell - Possessed By Nocturnal Grimness Tape 4.00
* Necrohell - Under the Sign of a Pagan Winter Tape 4.00
* Nekrape - Nekrape Tape 4.00
* Slav - Raw and Cold Tape 4.00
* Temple Of Shades - Primordial Necromancy Tape 4.00
* The Unholy Chronicles - #1 Magazine 5.00
Patches / Sticker
* Nocturnal Amentia - Logo Patch 4.00

Pestilence Records
Extreme Metal Label

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