Musik - CRO-MAGS von Ex-Mitglied mit Messer attackiert und verletzt
Die legendäre Hardcore Band CRO-MAGS mussten am 6.7.2012 ihren Gig in der Webster Hall in New York City absagen, da der ehemalige Bassist, Harley Flanagan, mit einem Messer zwei Menschen verletzte, daraunter auch mindestens ein Mitglied der Band.

CRO-MAGS gaben dazu folgendes Statement ab:
» We as a band are truly sorry for the way it all turned out in every regard, even the ex-member whose family is now affected by his choices. Our prayers go out to them as well as Mike C. [Michael 'The Gook' Couls], and the others who were hurt, but it was 'his' choice to come to our concert with a hunting knife, standing by our dressing door. Who knows what his actual intent was?! Obviously he wasn't there with it to cut bread for a peace offering as he was heard saying outside he was putting an end to us playing without him. Let's move on now and stop the trash-talking. Keep that PMA — that's what we are all.«

Die Daily News geben dazu mehr Details bekannt:
» William Berario, 45, was slashed above the eye and bitten on his cheek, and Couls was cut on his arm and stomach during the incident, which happened around 8:30 p.m. Flanagan was seen in photographs posted on being wheeled from the venue by EMTs. He was reportedly taken to Bellevue Hospital to be treated for a broken leg and was charged with second-degree assault and criminal possession of a weapon«
UnDerTaker am 09.07.2012, 14:25