Musik - Bolt Thrower: 200 neue Tickets für das Boltfest; Bekanntgabe der Supportband nächste Woche
bolt throwerÜberraschend haben die UK Death Metal Könige Bolt Thrower weitere 200 Tickets für ihr Boltfest in London angekündigt. Der eigentlich ausverkaufte Jubiläumsgig zum 25jährigen Bestehen der Band findet am Ostersamstag in London statt (wir werden ausführlich berichten). Die neuen Tics sind nur für den Balkon im HMV gültig und sollen in Kürze erhältlich sein. Also wer noch keine Tics hat: Augen auf!!!
Außerdem sollen nächste Woche die Supportbands bekannt gegeben werden.
Link zum Boltfest

»We’ve had a lot of questions about extra tickets for Boltfest or adding a second show, as the show sold out so fast. As we can only afford a show like this every 26 years!, there’ll sadly be no second show. But we did look into the possibility of adding extra tickets.

The Forum fits 2300 people, 1550 standing and 750 on the balcony. As we wanted people to be able to move freely through the whole venue during the day, the capacity automatically gets cut back to 1800.

But we’re very happy that The Forum has now allowed an extra 200 tickets to be sold. When these will go on sale will be announced soon. But please note: THESE TICKETS WILL BE FOR THE BALCONY ONLY. So anyone with these tickets won’t be able to go downstairs to the main hall, but will have access to everywhere else.
The 1800 people who’ve already bought a ticket will of course still be able to move freely around the venue.

We’ll be announcing the line up for BOLTFEST next week, it took a lot of sorting out to get the bands we wanted, but we’re VERY chuffed it all worked out!

Bolt Thrower «
UnDerTaker am 14.02.2012, 15:03