Musik - ANCIENT CEREMONY darf nicht beim Summer breeze spielen
Die deutschen Band Ancient Ceremony werden diesen Sommer nicht wie geplant beim Summer-breeze-Festival auftreten können. Den Gemeindevätern von Abtsgmünd sind die Metaller wegen ihrer "satanischen und gotteslästerlichen Einstellung" ein Dorn im Auge und deshalb unerwünscht. Gemäß einem Statement der Band drohten die örtlichen Behörden den Summer-Breeze-Veranstaltern sogar damit, das Festival komplett kalt zu stellen, falls Ancient Ceremony nicht vom Billing genommen würden. Die Band hofft nun, neben Fans und Presse auch das Gesetz auf ihrer Seite zu haben, denn für das zwangsweise Entfernen der Band aus dem Festival-Programm gibt es keinerlei juristische Grundlage. Hier der Original Text von Ancient Ceremony
Scandal around Summerbreeze Festival and Ancient Ceremony!

Church and city government have forbidden the performance of ANCIENT CEREMONY at Summerbreeze Open Air (one of Europe's biggest Metal festivals) because of the band's Satanic and blasphemous attitude! Promoters were even set under pressure by getting told the whole event was cancelled if the band was allowed to play so that the organizers had no other chance than taking them from the billing. This scandal is a fist into the face of the entire Metal scene and neither band nor management are willing to accept this cancellation without fighting against it. Of course ANCIENT CEREMONY will continue following their Satanic ethics consequently and are almost "proud" that they are the only controversial act that was chosen as "enemy" by these radical catholics - but there is no legal base for the behaviour from church and authorities so that ANCIENT CEREMONY hope for massive support from fans and media in fighting against this censorship!
UnDerTaker am 21.05.2003, 13:05