Musik - HIDEOUS DIVINITY veröffentlichen neue Single "The Numinous One" vom kommenden Album "Unextinct"
albumcoverAm 22.03.2024 erscheint das neue Album von HIDEOUS DIVINITY. Das Album wird den Namen "Unextinct" tragen und via Century Media/Sony Music veröffentlicht werden. Als Appetithappen wurde die neue Single "The Numinous One" online gestellt. Checkt den Hassbatzen unten an.

Hideous Divinity zur neuen Single: » 'The Numinous One' is the perfect paradigm of our new album. Everything you will find on Unextinct is there. Visually, a relentless descent into a new dimension of horror where, in a world that just survived a shipwreck, we evoke and reawake an entity that escapes our control and... bites us back. Like Lucy, we freeze in awe and horror and succumb to this impersonal, uncontrollable predator that brings extinction. Like the rat soldiers, we kneel in front of the abyss of pestilence, unable to look away. Musically, a new version of the appalling death metal monster that continues the path of Simulacrum. Join us in this first chapter of the most brutal horror soundtrack you'll ever experience.«

1. Dust Settles On Humanity
2. The Numinous One
3. Against The Sovereignty Of Mankind
4. Atto Quarto The Horror Paradox
5. Quasi-Sentient
6. Hair Dirt Mud
7. More Than Many Never One
8. Der Verlorene Sohn
9. Mysterium Tremendum
10. Leben Ohne Feuer

UnDerTaker am 12.02.2024, 08:44