Musik - Dänische Death Metaller UNDERGANG kommen mit MLP "De syv stadier af fordærv" am 01.09.2023; Single online |
![]() ![]() Die erste Single "Livløs i en pøl af egne udskillelser" könnt ihr euch bereits hier unten reinziehen. » The band's signature mix of Neanderthalic drumming and stringy phlegm-like riffs is instantly recognizable to any Death Metal fan. Equally so is David’s signature vomit-snarled vocals, all of which immediately will grip you with the fist of festering decay from the earliest points. If you find yourself presented with this cacophony of rot, then be sure not to miss the opportunity to drown in the swampy sludge before you, it’s thrilling! If you can make it through all seven stages of depravity, then you must congratulate your own hardiness, then find yourself drawn back for more torture!« Trackliste: 1. Død 2. Mælkehvid og gennemsigtigt 3. Livløs i en pøl af egne udskillelser 4. Dødsstivhed 5. Misfarvning af liget 6. Forrådnelse 7. Skeletisering |
UnDerTaker am 22.07.2023, 11:41 |