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Pentagram Chile veröffentlichen Album Artwork und Tracklist - vom 31.03.2013, 07:11

Kategorie: Musik

 Pentagram Chile haben jetzt das Album Artwork und die Trackliste vom kommenden Album “The Malefice” veröffentlicht. Das Album soll im Juni-July 2013 über Cyclone Empire auf den Markt kommen !

Chilean cult PENTAGRAM CHILE have completed the recording process for their debut album “The Malefice”. The album was recorded both in Sade Studios in Santiago, Chile and HVR studios in Suffolk, UK. The album will be out around June/July and the first edition will also include re-recordings of classic 80s demo songs. Expect nothing else but a total Death/Thrash killer record the way it’s meant to be! Artwork and tracklist (of the regular edition) can be found below:

The Malefice
01 - The Death Of Satan
02 - La Fiura
03 - The Apparition
04 - Horror Vacui
05 - Spontaneous Combustion
06 - Grand Design
07 - Sacrophobia
08 - Arachnoids
09 - Prophetic Tremors

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