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DECEMBER FLOWER bei neuem Label !

- vom 17.03.2012, 06:57
Kategorie: Musik

 Die deutschen Melodic Blackened Death Metal hopefuls DECEMBER FLOWER sind jetzt bei Cyclone Empire unter Vertrag. Nachdem Cyclone Empire schon das Debutalbum ‘When All Life Ends…’ als CD Release veröffentlicht hatten, ist die Band jetzt komplett bei dem Label eingestiegen.

Hier die Labelnews:
You´re asking why DECEMBER FLOWER is declared a new signing after ‘When All Life Ends…’, their haunting debut album is available since December 2011

(in Cooperation with IMPERIUM PRODUCTIONS, who release the vinyl versions)?

Well, this debut was released in cooperation with Imperium Productions, who signed the band for this release, and Cyclone Empire released it on CD simply as a license, while Imperium took the vinyl duties. So, the difference now is, that DECEMBER FLOWER are now signed directly and worldwide to Cyclone Empire…so it´s absolutely true that we can be happy to announce them as a new signing, haha!

The German 5-piece is one of the hottest and best German newcomers in years and presents an album that thrills all fans of bands such as UNANIMATED, DISSECTION, early DARK TRANQUILLITY or EUCHARIST.