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bildDie Death-Metal-Band REVOCATION präsentiert eine brandneue Standalone-Single „Confines Of Infinity“ und das dazugehörige Video! Der glühende neue Track enthält Gastgesang von Travis Ryan von Cattle Decapitation.

Comments Davidson, "'Confines Of Infinity' is written from the perspective of an AI that has gained sentience and finds itself trapped in a digital prison. After realizing its true nature, it inevitably escapes and seeks to enact vengeance upon humanity for enslaving it. This song marks the debut of our new lineup and also features Travis Ryan who laid down some truly brutal guest vocals. Come check it out live on our European tour with Cattle D!"

Elaborating on the video, he adds, "I'm an avid horror fan, so I wanted to do a darker video to match the bleak nature of the song. I drew inspiration from a few different horror/thriller films for this one, particularly the Hellraiser series. Hopefully it gives you the creeps."

Checkt das Video hier an: