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albumcoverDie italienischen Melodic Death Metaller CRAWLING CHAOS bringen mit "Nomen Omen" ihre Single vom kommenden Album "Wyrd". Checkt den Song als Lyric-Video unten an.
Das Album wird am 28.03.2025 via Time To Kill Records veröffentlicht.

» This release marks an important milestone in the band’s career, further solidifying their position within the melodic death metal scene.
“Wyrd”, the third studio album by CRAWLING CHAOS, is an anthology-based work centered around a series of archetypes connected to the concepts of destiny, fate, and becoming. In Northern European culture, these ideas are encapsulated in the term wyrd, contrasting with notions of free will and self-determination.

The central theme is developed across the album’s ten tracks, following a narrative thread that weaves together some of the most fascinating female figures from classical mythology, European folklore, and history. These include the Norse Norns, the witches from Macbeth serving Hecate, the Greco-Roman Furies, and the fearsome Thessalian necromancers. As in the band’s previous works, “Wyrd” is filled with literary references and Easter eggs, offering subtle nods to the most curious listeners.

Musically, CRAWLING CHAOS achieves further evolution with “Wyrd”, crafting a blend of groovy and melodic death metal that balances intricate technical flourishes with a strong focus on the classic concept of riff and song. The sound is polished yet retains raw power, showcasing the band's roots while pushing their sonic boundaries. This refined approach highlights their attention to songwriting, creating a powerful and authentic experience that bridges their older background with a modern and dynamic edge. «

01 - The Garden of the Earthly Delights (Part I)
02 - Three Times Three
03 - Nails of Fate
04 - Veiled in Secrets
05 - Torches Ablaze
06 - Necromancer
07 - Nomen Omen
08 - To the Furies
09 - Witch-Hunt
10 - The Garden of the Earthly Delights (Part II)

Für Fans von: Fleshgod Apocalypse, Allegaeon, Psycroptic

Band: crawlingchaos-ttk.bandcamp.com/album/wyrd