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DRUDKH veröffentlichen neue Single „The Eve“

- vom 21.01.2025, 20:46
Kategorie: Musik

bildDRUDKH haben ihre erste neue Single „The Eve“ veröffentlicht, dass neue Album „Shadow Play“ erscheint am 21. März über Season of Mist.

DRUDKH, are a venerated pillar of atmospheric and pagan black metal - and today, they emerge from the shadows to present the world with their latest track, The Eve— the lead single from their forthcoming album, Shadow Play. It's an invitation to traverse the delicate interplay between existence’s light and darkness.

DRUDKH’s music, born from the whisperings of Ukraine's history-laden winds and the enigmatic landscapes etched in folklore, is a profound narrative that resonates deeply within the soul. The way they weave atmospheric soundscapes with pagan influences brings forth a sound that is both richly textured and expansively immersive.

The Eve stands as a meditative contemplation on life's fleeting beauty— a journey through melancholic reflections and poetic musings. As with their previous works, DRUDKH maintains their tradition of introspection, delving into the complex themes of exile, the cyclical dance of life and death, and the eternal yearning for origins both personal and collective.

Don't miss the chance to be among the first to experience The Eve and embark on a journey that promises to illuminate the path through the human condition’s bleakest and most beautiful moments.

Schaut euch nhier das Video zum neuen Song an:

1. Scattering the Ashes (7:23)
2. April (11:11)
3. The Exile (10:12)
4. Fallen Blossom (6:50)
5. The Eve (7:08)
6. The Thirst (12:21)
Full runtime: 55:05