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SCALPTURE – Neuer Lyric Visualiser

- vom 15.01.2025, 20:28
Kategorie: Musik

bildDie deutschen Death Metaller SCALPTURE haben einen Lyric-Visualizer für ihre neue Single „Landsknecht“ (deutsche Bezeichnung für Söldner des Dreißigjährigen Krieges) veröffentlicht, die dem kommenden vierten Album der Band „Landkrieg“ entnommen ist, das am 7. März 2025 über Testimony Records erscheinen soll.

Checkt den Song hier an:

SCALPTURE comment: "Mercenaries from across Europe were enlisted by the highest bidding nobles to fight in what we now call the Thirty Years' War", vocalist and history buff Thorsten Pieper explains. "These were called 'Landsknechte' in German, which means literally 'servants of the land'. They were typically battle-hardened veterans, known for their colourful and flamboyant apparel as well as the horrors, which they brought to the towns and regions that they ravaged on behalf of their masters. 'Landsknecht' is a straight forward death metal gut punch that portrays the brutality, chaos, and hopelessness that marked their often short lives during these seemingly endless decades of destruction."