Die deutsche Black Metal Band Gràb präsentiert heute ihre neue Single "Waidler" über Black Metal Promotion.
Schaut euch das neue Video hier an:
Vocalist Grànt: "Waidler comes with a more nordic and even sort of an epic approach. With this song our goal was to reflect the region of the Bavarian Forest: raw and majestic at the same time."Waidler" was composed by guitarist Gnást, who in general adds important new skills to the creation of Gràb. Markus Stock Schwadorf and Florian Magnus Maier added some incredible guest vocals. Of course I also thank and salute Lukas Alberter and Christian Strohmer for producing this video, as well as the Lower Bavarian devils in D'Woid Krampal and Sepp Probst for being the protagonists in our video. On a side note: If you are into old, dark and mystical legends of the Bavarian Forest, you should definitely check out one of Sepp Probst's books and his page Mystischer Bayerischer Wald "